Daily Stormer
May 31, 2015

The Jew media has been having a heyday attacking Christians and conservatives following the Dugger family incest scandal.
But as soon as a far-right person comes out and condemns the Duggars, all the sudden they are brave heroes for daring to engage in incest.
The wife of controversial Arizona Pastor Steven Anderson — who has, in the past, demanded women remain silent in church and tricked Holocaust survivors into appearing in his anti-Semitic film — weighed in on the Duggar family travails over the weekend, claiming that she always secretly believed them to be “liberal” and “worldly.”
On her blog, Zsuzsanna Anderson wrote that even though the Duggars claimed to be “fundamentalists,” the version of their faith and belief system presented on their TLC show was “weak and anemic.”
For example, she cited the family’s refusal to address the question of whether they spanked their children, “which they obviously did, while telling the world over and over again about their positive approach of praising good behavior.” Anderson described that behavior as “[d]eceptive at best.”
She went on to claim — much like the Duggar family patriach, Jim Bob, did during his 2002 Senate campaign — that people who commit incest should be put to death, which to her mind is a biblical injunction. They are “reprobates [and] unregenerate and in fact can never change, and they, like all sexual deviants, should be executed as the Bible demands.”
Those “deviants” who claim to have sought God’s forgiveness and changed aren’t “telling the truth. I believe this is a lie they tell to gain access to easy targets, namely children in church, at camp, etc.”
Good on Pastor Anderson for making enough noise to get the attention of the mainstream Jews.

The good Pastor has a long future of successful trolling ahead of him.
God Bless him.