Daily Stormer
February 14, 2015

So the unfunny Jew is leaving the Daily Show, and – you’ll never guess it – SJWs are calling for his replacement to be a female Negro. In an article entitled ““What the hell is wrong with these white dudes?”: What “Nightly News” & “The Daily Show” should do next ,” which is almost as boring as it is long and pointless, some whoever feminist writer calls for some gross looking monkey-person to take the Jew’s reins.
The problem that Comedy Central will have when responding to these calls is that obviously no one wants to watch some Black woman every night. Steward, as a relatively handsome Jew, was not noticeably alien, nor was he female. There has never in history been a non-daytime talk show with a female that was successful, and the only successful non-White host ever was Oprah. SJWs have all of these fantastic plans, but in reality none of them are financially viable. Unless they are based on forcing the state to do something.
Private for-profit companies cannot possibly ever benefit from any of their crap, and even networks such as MSNBC that are specifically designed to cater to SJWs are collapsing because not even SJWs want to listen to their own feedback loop, they simply want to force it on others.
I will grant here that there are a few funny Black comedians, but they are funny because of their alien nature (which does involve a quick wit). Female comedians, however, should not even be a thing. Never in my life have I seen a funny female. The only thing I’m trying to think of is if any of those 1950s sitcoms had funny women, and I don’t think they did. They were funny, but it wasn’t due to the women on them.
I hope Comedy Central does put up a Negress, and the show fails, and then they say “well people wouldn’t watch it because of vague racial hatred we can’t define.”