Salvini Complies with EU Pressure, Announces Plan to Cut 400 Million From Budget

Luis Castillo
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2018

The EU was nagging Italy to fix its budget a couple of weeks ago.

Salvini has complied.

Il Giornale:

Rome – Matteo Salvini wishes to reduce the daily per capita spending on migrants from 35 to 19 euros, cutting it nearly in half.

As always, those responsible for the sector will look to reduce costs. But this is not the only goal of the Deputy Prime Minister, who aims at a complete reform of the migrant reception system with a dual purpose: to save costs, and to reduce the chances of obtaining refugee status, limiting the numbers of those entitled to benefits.

The reduction of costs for the maintenance of foreigners who come to our territory and wait for the recognition of refugee status is a key point for the Minister of the Interior, who announced his intention to revolutionize the system of migrant reception since the first day of his inauguration.

Salvini immediately asked the offices responsible for a full accounting of the costs and mechanisms in all of the other European countries. Ours is not the country which spends the most. Belgium and Finland pay 50 euros a day, for example. But there are without doubt those who spend less. France, Poland and Austria remain within 25 euros.

Of course.

But, Belgium – really?

That’s weird. I didn’t even know Belgium was a real country – I thought it was just part of France or something.

This money is not given directly to the migrants, rather it is administered by the refugee centers (Cas and Sprar in Italy) which have different rules and regulations in each country. Basically, this money is used to pay for clothing, food, housing and healthcare, as well as for integration support such as language assistance. Around 3 euros per day remain in the pocket of each migrant.

That’s a lot of gibs for nigs. Or, a lot of money for a bureaucracy which supposedly spends that money on asylum seekers.

The Deputy Prime Minister believes that too much is spent, and spent poorly. He aims to save 400 million in 2019 thanks to the cuts in spending, as well as over 500 million for 2020, and over 600 for the following years.

Not paying for free stuff for Africa is a great cost-saving measure.

The next time the EU comes nagging, he should just cut these programs entirely.