Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2015

The ISIS terrorists being brought to America by the tens of thousands by Barack Obama and Paul Ryan can rest easy: as their souls are enjoying 72 virgins in Allah’s afterlife, their physical bodies will be honored along traditional Islamic norms.
The feds will even guard their funerals to make sure angry natives don’t seek out vengeance.
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, who opened fire on a San Bernardino holiday party earlier this month, were buried Tuesday in a quiet, graveside funeral guarded by FBI agents.
Many of those who attended mosque with the couple refused to attend, two mosque members said.
The funeral followed traditional Islamic rituals, said an attendee. At a Muslim cemetery hours away from San Bernardino, the bodies were cleansed according to Islamic rules, wrapped in white cloth and buried.
The funeral attendee and another person familiar with the situation, both of whom asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation, said it took a week to find a graveyard willing to accept the bodies.
They said the husband and wife were ultimately buried in a cemetery far from San Bernardino, after a closer facility refused to take the bodies because of fears the graves would be desecrated. Neither person would identify the cemetery where the couple was buried.
Muslims are usually buried within 24 hours of dying, but family members and community members had to wait for the bodies to be released by law enforcement officials and then for permission from a cemetery.
Neither source would say which cemetery refused to bury the couple, but a woman at the Islamic Cemetery & Masjid in Adelanto, Calif. – less than an hour from San Bernardino – confirmed the cemetery had refused to bury the bodies, in part out of a fear of backlash, but also for “other reasons”. She declined to give her name.
Seems like they could have cremated them. Or at least refused to bury them on American soil, forced their families to pay for them to be flown somewhere in Arabia.
Allowing terrorists to have their corpses honored in a sacred ritual on American soil is insane.