Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2015

It is incredible that not a single race of brown people has any shame. They are all entirely fixated with abusing the good nature of the White Man by claiming victimization and demanding special treatment.
A religious studies professor at the University of San Diego who is concerned about growing anti-Muslim rhetoric has started a silent protest, with students and faculty wearing yellow stars marked “Muslim.”
Bahar Davary, associate professor of theology and religious studies, came up with the idea during her class “Islamic Faith and Practice,” an introduction to Islam, and her students suggested several designs.
The yellow Star of David is what the Nazis required all Jews to wear prior to the Holocaust. The crescent moon and word “Muslim” draw the connection with today’s politics.
“What it symbolizes is that there have been people who have been made to be the ‘other’ throughout history,” said Davary, an Iranian-American whose academic specialty at the Catholic university is Islam.
Last month Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said he would require all Muslim-Americans to register in a national database, and subsequently proposed banning Muslims from entering the country. Ben Carson, another Republican contender, has said he could not support a Muslim as President.
“It’s not only Trump. It’s not only Ben Carson,” Davary said. “There have been anti-Muslim actions taking place. In some ways it’s frightening.”
Davary’s students first began wearing the stars, and then other University of San Diego faculty members. She estimates there are over 100 being worn on campus, with more people asking for the stars every day. “By wearing these, we’re simply inviting conversation about this topic,” she said.
Yes, “conversation” – the new codeword for “shut up and do what I demand of you, because you’ve hurt my feelings by being better than me.”

I would be so ashed to parade around telling people that I’m a victim and deserve pity. Even if I actually was a victim. The psychology of this act is so alien.
Speaking of victimhood, I’m shocked that the Jews haven’t jumped all over this and made it a national news story, whining about other victims appropriating their symbols of alleged victimization. The original report is dated December 17th – that’s 3 days ago! Is it possible that the Jews have yet to catch wind of the story?
Ah well. They’ll know about it now. They watch this site like hook-beaked hawks.