Sanders Beating Hillary by 20 Points in NH, Tied Nationally

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2016


The Democrat primaries are becoming almost as interesting as the GOP primaries, with it looking like Hillary Clinton is quite possibly going to lose to the weird zombie Jew communist Bernie Sanders.

Right now, Sanders is beating Hillary by nearly 20 points in New Hampshire – 56.8% to 37.6%.

Nationally, they are basically tied.


Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has erased Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s wide lead for the Democratic presidential nomination since the start of year, putting the two in a dead heat nationally, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Clinton leads Sanders 48 percent to 45 percent among Democratic voters, according to the poll of 512 Americans, conducted Feb. 2-5 following the Iowa caucus. The poll has a credibility interval of 5 percentage points.

Democrats had been supporting Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin at the beginning of the year. Sanders has narrowed that lead considerably over the past several weeks.

Clinton beat Sanders narrowly in the Iowa caucuses, the nation’s first nomination contest ahead of the November election, but is expected to lose to him in New Hampshire. The two rivals clashed on Thursday night in their first one-on-one debate, reflecting the tightness of the race.

This has changed rapidly. Just two weeks ago, Clinton was beating Sanders by 25 points.

Apparently, Clinton’s criminal scheming is catching up with her, finally.


The New York Times has an article out about how she is responding to this by stealing the Marxist language of Sanders.

In April, leading Mr. Sanders by more than 50 points nationally, Mrs. Clinton traversed Iowa in her “Scooby bus,” speaking to handfuls of people at highly orchestrated round tables, favoring everybody-wins subjects like help for small business. In July, she opened up on Republicans, without mentioning her Democratic opponents. In September, Mrs. Clinton told a gathering in Ohio that she was “kind of moderate and center.” A month later, after poll numbers showed that Mr. Sanders was gaining on her in Iowa, she drew criticism for newly portraying herself as a “progressive.”

Now locked in a tighter race, Mrs. Clinton is holding big rallies too, and she increasingly channels the Bern. As both Democratic candidates made closing arguments at rallies in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, before the caucuses, it was remarkable how Mrs. Clinton’s talking points, style, even hand gestures resembled Mr. Sanders’s. In a fiery speech in a high school gym, she used clipped-cadence flourishes like, “Here’s what I want ya to know, guys,” to raise topics her rival holds dear: income inequality, poverty, the Koch brothers, taxing millionaires. “We’re going where the money is, the money is where the wealthy are, we’re gonna change the tax code and make them pay for all of the benefits they’ve got here in America!” she shouted.

This situation echoes the way Ted Cruz began using Trump’s language.

Interestingly, Sanders’ response to Clinton has been the same as Trump’s response to Cruz: she’s lying and we know she’s lying because she’s funded by Goldman Sachs.


The similarities between Cruz and Clinton are remarkable. Both of them are war-mongering Israel-firsters funded by the biggest Jew banks, both of them flip around their positions non-stop in a chameleon-like fashion.

I don’t know that it is really possible for Bernie to win the nomination. But if he does, he will lose to any Republican – even Marco Rubio. Unless someone produces some more convincing gay pictures of Marco, which presumably do exist somewhere.

rubio chip1

As we know, the establishment is the establishment, and they don’t really care if it is a Democrat or a Republican who gets in, as long as it is someone they can use. It seems now that the media is pushing Sanders, because of Hillary’s problems, while the big forces in the background are pushing for him to lose against an establishment Republican.

If Trump gets the nomination, however, they are going to have a serious problem. Because neither Hillary nor Bernie can beat him.


Their best bet if Trump gets the nomination would be to run an evangelical candidate third party – even Magic Ben could do it. But this would then end up giving the election to Sanders, if he gets the nomination, and they don’t like him much either, given that he’s an unpredictable whackjob.

What was predicted to be a boring election, where low-energy Jeb lost to Clinton, has turned out to be one of the most interesting events ever.