Sargon of Akkad Butthurt About Twitter Ban

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 23, 2017

Sargon is saying he was banned for that old fake screenshot of him DMing someone for CP.

It was created when he went on a gay porn rampage a few months back.

He goes through and shows how to make fake DMs.

I seriously doubt this was what led to his being banned from Twitter though. He was a gamergate guy, and the twitter moderation team – the health and safety board or whatever it’s called – is run by Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian (along with the ADL, the SPLC and BLM). So he’s on some kind of list of people who need to be banned. I mean, maybe they used this fake screenshot as an excuse to do it, but it wasn’t really the cause.


Maybe he’ll get his twitter back for a while, but it will just get banned again later over some trumped-up nonsense.

And eventually, he’s going to get banned from YouTube too.

Basically, everyone who says anything is getting banned from everywhere. That is just the deal. These people are lashing out after the Trump win.

That’s what the takedown of MILO was about, that’s what the harassment of me is about, that’s what the twitter ban of Sargon is about – they are going at Trump, but they are coming at him from all sides, trying to take-out the media that gives him oxygen and gives his message to the people.

Sargon isn’t even really pro-Trump. I don’t think he ever endorsed him. But he hates the people who are against Trump, so there’s a lot of common ground there. And these people aren’t really discerning.

We really, really need to focus on creating our own platforms. Because we’re all getting banned from everything.