Satanic New York Times Jews Issue Terror Threat Against President Trump’s Family

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2018

Jared can flee to Israel, but they’ll probably extradite Ivanka. The Israelis don’t take kindly to miscegenation.

This is what I was trying to tell the President about the need to declare martial law and start rounding up conspirators in the government and media who are trying to destroy this country: if you don’t win, Mr. President, and leave office under any terms other than passing it to a successor of your own choosing, you are going to prison.

And it isn’t just you that is going to prison: it is your entire family.

And it’s “prison at least.”

When the Jews took down the Czar of Russia, they didn’t put him in prison.

Nor did they put his family – including his small children – in prison.

They just killed all of them. After some pretty brutal rapes of the females. Their bodies were mutilated, in some kind of satanic ritual.

The Jewish terrorists of the New York Times, led by the filthy Kike Matriarch of the paper, Maggie Haberman, have issued a dire threat that they will destroy Trump’s family at the soonest possible convenience.

Shockingly, Maggie Haberman is indistinguishable from a female version of Yakov Sverdlov. Except that isn’t shocking.

Just look at the lede – the bitch opens right up with a threat barely qualifies as “thinly veiled.”

New York Times:

When two Republican members of Congress began formally questioning last week Ivanka Trump’s use of private email for government business, it was seen by people close to the White House as a sign of things to come for the president’s family.

“That you now have Republicans investigating members of the first family is an indication of the perils ahead” for the Trumps, said Tom Davis, the former House Republican from Virginia who was the chairman of the Oversight Committee from 2003 through 2006.

The Democrats are already laying out lines of inquiry that could quickly lead not just to Mr. Trump and his White House aides, but also to his immediate family. And Republicans returning to Capitol Hill next year may be forced by the changed political climate to take a harder line toward the Trump family.

Likely Democratic targets include not only the president’s personal finances and those of the Trump Organization, but also the actions taken by his sons Donald Jr. and Eric and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, during the 2016 campaign and its aftermath.

The Oversight and Judiciary Committees are likely to focus on any violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which bans payments from foreign governments to federal officeholders, an avenue that will lead to an examination of payments to Trump-held properties and the role of both of his sons and Mr. Kushner. And some investigators may try to question Donald Trump Jr. again about a meeting he held with a Kremlin-linked lawyer promising “dirt” about Mrs. Clinton.

While some of the areas primed for inquiry — most notably, ties between the Trump campaign, the Trump Organization and Russia, and possible campaign finance violations — are likely to overlap with investigations by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, and federal prosecutors in New York, Democrats believe they have a broader mandate to question everything from foreign business dealings by Ms. Trump and the Trump Organization to the administration of security clearances at the White House, including the one given to Mr. Kushner.

Mr. Trump has told aides that he believes that Democrats have the potential to appear overly partisan in investigating his family and that voters may be sympathetic to efforts to rebuff them.

Thomas M. Reynolds, a former congressman who was the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2006, agreed that the incoming House majority would be wise not to meddle excessively in the private affairs of the president’s business and two adult sons.

But, he said, “we’re on a thin line here because the president still owns the company.”

Congressional inquiries are treacherous, and can be hard to weather. The president is said to be unprepared for the onslaught he is facing, even as the White House Counsel’s Office, which will be led by a new lead counsel, Pat Cipollone, is hiring a raft of lawyers.

Ms. Trump and her husband, Mr. Kushner, have had a veteran Washington lawyer, Abbe D. Lowell, working with them for several months. But Mr. Trump is famously frugal about hiring personal lawyers, and it is unclear whether he or his adult sons are prepared for how much assistance they will require.

Politically speaking, this is the Achilles’ heel of the administration,” said Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a Democrat who sits on two of the key investigative panels, referring to the Trump family’s business dealings. “They have turned the government of the United States into a moneymaking operation for the president and his family and close friends. That is the exact opposite of our constitutional design.”

Democrats have said they will not reflexively file subpoenas, but they have already gotten signals from the White House that cooperation is likely to be minimal. Even if the Mueller investigation ends in the coming months, as Mr. Trump’s lawyers believe is possible, the White House is facing a string of congressional subpoenas that could grind the gears of government to a halt, and put a spotlight on areas that the secretive Mr. Trump prefers to keep out of sight.

The president’s tax returns, documents he has steadfastly refused to release in defiance of tradition, remain a central target.

Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee are preparing to use a century-old provision in the federal tax code to try to gain access to Mr. Trump’s tax returns. Aides working for the committee’s soon-to-be chairman, Representative Richard E. Neal of Massachusetts, believe that Trump administration officials at the Treasury Department could refuse the request, forcing the battle into court.

But if Democrats are successful, the returns could offer them their first comprehensive look into the heart of the Trump Organization and the finances of the first family.

The returns could also get wrapped into the Oversight and Judiciary Committees’ looks at potential violations of the emoluments clause.

Democrats have already brought a federal lawsuit contending that Mr. Trump’s financial interest in the Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington is such a violation. But congressional officials said they were interested more broadly in the possibility that the Trump family is profiting off their time in office, through, among other things, trademarks granted to the Trump Organization and Ms. Trump’s business abroad.

Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, who will be the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, has said that as he weighs how to reopen the committee’s investigation of Russian election interference, he intends to zero in on possible money laundering by Russians through the Trump Organization.

That line of inquiry may overlap with the federal investigations, but it would most likely involve an attempt to obtain the president’s bank and other business records.

Mr. Schiff has repeatedly criticized Republicans for refusing to demand the phone records of Donald Trump Jr., who exchanged a series of phone calls in the run-up to a 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer in which he was expecting to receive dirt on Mrs. Clinton, including with a blocked number that Democrats believe could have belonged to his father.

So, there you have it.

This is the plan of the Jews.

And The President would do very well to keep this in mind. If he goes down, not only does this country go down, but his own immediate family is going to be buried by the Jews.