Satanic Pope Condemns Christians and All Opposed to His Vicious Homosexual Agenda

Just look at what he said.

Form your own interpretation.


Pope Francis urged Catholic priests on Sunday to guard against spiritual groups that stoke political divisions, speaking during a one-day visit to Corsica, the first by a pontiff to the French Mediterranean island.

At a conference on religion in the Mediterranean region, the pontiff warned against varieties of spirituality that “seek self-aggrandisement by fuelling polemics, narrow-mindedness, divisions and exclusivist attitudes”.

“The Church’s pastors (are) called to be vigilant, to exercise discernment and to be constantly attentive to (these) popular forms of religiosity,” the pope said.

Francis, making his third and probably last foreign trip of 2024, did not name any specific religious groups.

What could he be talking about?

He’s talking about “conservative Catholics” AKA “Christians.”

The Pope himself is not a Christian, but rather a virulent homosexual. He is satanic, and his goal is to destroy Christendom, which is why he is condemning unnamed “spiritual groups” that would be “narrow-minded” and “stoke divisions” with their “exclusivist attitudes.”

He is pushing a gay agenda and he is demanding that priests find and target anyone opposed to it as a hate-filled bigot.