Saudi Arabia: Botox-Enhanced Camels Banned from Camel Beauty Pageant

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2018

I try to keep up with the ever evolving standards of what is and is not racism.

It’s hard to do, as it moves so fast.

But I would think that even reporting in English on the fact that Saudi Arabia has “camel beauty pageants” and that owners are using botox to beautify their camels would be a form of racism.

Because doesn’t this just scream “primitive desert apes”?


Some pageant contestants hit a hump in the road this week. That is, a camel beauty contest in Saudi Arabia disqualified a dozen camels for receiving Botox injections to make them more attractive.

Saudi media reported that a veterinarian was caught performing plastic surgery on the camels a few days before the pageant, according to UAE’s The National. In addition to the injections, the clinic was surgically reducing the size of the animals’ ears to make them appear more delicate.

“They use Botox for the lips, the nose, the upper lips, the lower lips and even the jaw,” Ali Al Mazrouei, a regular at such festivals and the son of a prominent Emirati breeder, told the newspaper. “It makes the head more inflated so when the camel comes it’s like, ‘Oh look at how big is that head is. It has big lips, a big nose.’ ”

Real money is at stake: About $57 million is awarded to winners of the contests and camel races, The National reports, with more than $31.8 million in prizes for just the pageants.

The festival provides a number of informative graphics about camels, including a diagram titled Standards of Camel Beauty. It is sadly unspecific about what makes for handsome nostrils and withers, though it does mention a “leathery mouth.”

I suppose if you didn’t report on backward ass savagery injected with millions upon millions of oil bucks from Western cucks, you wouldn’t be able to report anything at all about the Saudis.

The media certainly does a good job of avoiding reporting the fact that these evil inbred apes get white girls off of Instagram and pay them tens of thousands of dollars to come get gang-banged in their country.

They certainly skip the fact that the gang-bangs generally involve being shit on.

I learned about this phenomenon – and the website that documents it – back in 2015 on Return of Kings:

Matt Forney recently reported on a website called Tag The Sponsor. This is a site that pulls back the veil on the real exploits of instagram “models.” In short, good looking women are propositioned by rich Middle Eastern men (the “sponsors”) to finance their all-expense paid trips to Dubai and other exotic locations in exchange for their company.

Their company, however, is an extremely tame description. These girls are paid to be slutty trophies in public. Okay so that’s big deal right? We see this all the time all over the world. Men have been paying beautiful women to be their ornaments for ages so no harm no foul………………….right?

I’m afraid not. The real debauchery happens behind closed doors and it is outright nauseating to be sure. These girls are fucked by foreign objects, pissed on, shit on, violently and bloodily gang banged or whatever other nasty shit that comes to the twisted minds of these oil tycoons.

Basically, every woman on Instagram that posts pictures in a bunch of exotic locations is going around fucking Peninsula Arabs.

That’s a fact.

The Tag the Sponsor site should be supported. If any of you NEETs want to have some fun, go on Insta and find these bitches and text them like you’re a rich Arab wanting to meet them for prostitution purposes, then send them the messages.

Some of this is gold.

Just remember this, white man: your women are being auctioned off to these animals by the JEWS.