Saudi Arabian Footballers Refuse Minute’s Silence for London Terror Victims

In a time of universal deception, where traitors masquerade as diplomats and invaders pose as victims, a little honesty can be as refreshing as a summer dip in the Auschwitz swimming pool.

Look at what the Saudi Arabian football team has done, for instance. These ball-kicking Hajis could have pretended to care about the victims of the recent London attack for PR purposes.

Instead, they shunned all pretenses of goodwill and signaled to the West, “Yeah, we’re at war with you, what of it?”

Daily Mail:

The Saudi Arabian soccer team refused to line up for a minute’s silence for the London terror victims on Thursday night because it is not in keeping with their culture.

A spokesman for Football Federation Australia explained they were told a minute of silence was ‘not in keeping with Saudi culture’ ahead of the match.

Fans were left outraged at the display ahead of the World Cup qualifier against Australia in Adelaide.

Pictures show the Australian team lined up at the halfway mark, with the Saudi players ignoring the gesture as they get in formation to start the game.

Saudi players on the bench refused to stand for the minute’s silence.

A spokesperson from the Football Federation Australia told Daily Mail Australia they had been advised prior to the match that the Saudi team would not be taking part.

This is great propaganda for our cause.

Countless White people in Europe remain ignorant of Islam. They haven’t read the Quran or even familiarized themselves with its basic precepts, so when the Jewish media tells them that terrorists are “bad” Moslems who give the religion of peace a bad name, they believe it.

Moslems are charitable, goyim!

Hence, when “good” Moslems support Islamic terrorists over their non-Moslem victims, more people sit up and ponder the implications.

It’s basic level stuff, and it’s downright embarrassing that our enemies have to signal to us that we’re in a Race War before we realize it ourselves, but hey, a small white pill is still a white pill.

Australian and British football fans on social media were furious, and lashed out against the Saudi team.

‘Minutes silence for London terror, Saudi players wandering around like they don’t give a f***, Saudi fans shouting the whole time #AUSvKSA,’ a man named Adam tweeted.

Others called for official measures to be taken against the team.

‘I hope FFA call out Saudi Arabia on the clear lack of respect shown prior to KO. Not participating in the minutes silence is disgusting,’ user PG3_12 wrote.

Interestingly, the Daily Mail article includes a few quotes from an imam who provides further insight into the real Islam from which the average White person has been sheltered:

An Islamic imam has suggested the Saudi Arabian team refused to take part in a minute’s silence for the London terror victims because they believe ‘it is not a sin for a Muslim to kill a non-believer’.

Sheikh Mohammad Tawhidi says it is a ‘lie’ to say the Muslim culture does not remember the dead with a moment of silence, and instead argues the football team did not partake in the mourning because they stand with the jihadist men.

‘They did not stop for a moment of silence because according to Wahhabi Islam – which governs Saudi Arabia – it is not wrong or a sin for a Muslim to kill a non-Muslim,’ he told Daily Mail Australia.

Yup, all true. I’m just surprised that an imam has said it.

So British. Such Canterbury Tales. Wow.

See, Moslems have this concept called “taqiyya” (“prudence, fear, caution”), which is basically the Haji version of the Mossad’s “by way of deception thou shalt do war.”

Taqiyya allows Moslems to deceive non-Moslems to advance their long-term goal of worldwide Islamization. Moslem politicians in Europe, for example, practice taqiyya whenever they condemn Paki grooming gangs or claim that Jihad is not a part of their culture. The Paki mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, also practices taqiyya whenever he pretends to care about the victims of the latest terrorist attack.

That imams, Saudi Arabian footballers and other representatives of the Islamic East are rejecting taqiyya for honesty indicates overconfidence, and that will work to our advantage.

Overconfidence always precedes a fall.

By the way, do you remember the 2014 World Cup semi-final, in which the German Übermensch exterminated the Brazilian mongrels in a 7-1 public gassing? Stupid question; of course you remember. That match was hardcore porn to White Supremacists.

Well, Saudi Arabia received an even bigger gassing from the Germans back in 2002. Watch the highlights from the match in the video below and comfort yourself with the knowledge that we’re at war with people whose IQs are lower than that of Koko the gorilla.