Savage Black Beats the Hell Out of White Special Needs Student – White Kid Gets Suspended

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 8, 2017

This is justified with all the rampant White on Retarded Black Kid violence in schools.

It’s good to see Africans fighting back.

Delaware Online:

A parent and an advocate of a Caesar Rodney High School special needs student whose beating Tuesday was captured on cellphone video want to know why the school has not taken further action to protect the boy.

“The school is doing nothing, and they have suspended my son,” said the mother of the 14-year-old boy who was beaten.

Both the mother and advocate, Diane Eastburn, said they will appeal the in-school suspension the boy received for using foul language.

Caesar Rodney School District officials said an investigation by both the school and Delaware State Police has resulted in disciplinary action and an arrest.

“Fights of this nature, while rare are unacceptable and are not tolerated in Caesar Rodney,” said Kevin Fitzgerald, superintendent of the school district, in a written statement. “The District will continue to work hard to ensure the safety of our students.”

Eastburn and the boy’s mother agreed the pummeling and mascot incident were not related, but she said there is ongoing racial tension at the high school in Camden.

“There just seems to be some really bad undertones at that school right now,” Eastburn said. Both the mother and Eastburn said the video is titled “White boy take down” on Oovoo, a video chat and messaging platform.

Racial tensions are rising you say?

Generation Zyklon will not fail us.