Savage Black High School Sportsball Coach Tortures White Girls

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 25, 2017

This is what happens when you allow black into an authority position over young White girls.


LA Times:

Videos showing multiple high school cheerleaders crying out in pain while being held in the splits position have led to an investigation by Denver Police and the placement of five public school employees on administrative leave.

According to KUSA-TV, which broke the story early Thursday, East High administrators have had access to at least one such video since June and have received complaints from some of the girls’ parents for months. But Denver Public Schools Superintendent Tom Boasberg said in a statement Thursday that he just learned about the issue that day and that the school system would be conducting its own investigation into the matter.

East cheerleader Ally Wakefield is seen in one video apparently being physically forced to do the splits, despite crying out nine times in less than 24 seconds for those holding her to “please, stop.”

Denver Police are investigating incidents involving multiple cheerleaders and their coach at East High School.

Wakefield told KUSA that Williams “was pushing down on the back of my right leg” and “pushing with his other knee on my back to try to keep my posture straight.”

“It was tearing my ligament and my muscle at the same time,” she said.

Her mother, Kristen Wakefield, said: “This is a grown man pushing my 13-year-old girl so hard against her will while she’s crying and screaming for him to stop that he’s ripping tissues in her body.”

In its report, KUSA said it received eight total videos of East cheerleaders and their “similar screams of pain.”

Eric Wakefield, Ally’s father, told the New York Post he hasn’t been able to sleep since seeing the videos.

Former cheerleader Anna Nickolay wasn’t in any of those videos but told KUSA that she and other teammates had been treated the same way. She showed her mother one such video of a teammate to her mother.

“That made me sick to my stomach,” Cheri Nickolay told KUSA. “I don’t know how you could justify that.”

It’s like they really do hate us because of the color of our skin.