Savage Mulatto Murders His White Roommate with a Sledgehammer

Cameron Lykins.

This is the kind of brutality you’d expect to hear coming out of South Africa.

But it didn’t happen in South Africa, or anywhere else on the dark continent.

It happened in America, our home, and it will continue happening with greater and greater regularity so long as Jews remain in control of… well…


VC Star:

A Meiners Oaks man appeared in court Tuesday to face a murder charge as detectives continued to search for the body of the roommate he’s accused of killing with a sledgehammer.

Cameron Lykins, 23, is accused of first-degree murder and a special allegation that he used a sledgehammer in the killing of Houston Auer, 22, according to Stacy Ratner, a supervising attorney in the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office.

A plea was not entered to the charge on Tuesday, but the Ventura County Public Defender’s Office was appointed to Lykins’ case.

Auer’s body has not been found — only the bloody crime scene where Ventura County sheriff’s deputies suspect the killing occurred. Ratner, however, does not think the lack of a body could hinder the prosecution.

Lykins is due back in court Wednesday morning for the alleged probation violation. He’s due back in court on the murder case at 1:30 p.m. June 13 in Courtroom 13.

Houston Auer.