Savage Negroid Gets 30+ Years for Murdering White Man During Home Invasion

Tyler Ocasio.

The defendant merely intended to rob the victim, but ended up shooting him dead.

While he slept.

If this isn’t absolute proof that blacks are incapable of committing a home invasion without killing someone, I don’t know what is.

Newark Advocate:

Tyler Ocasio will be nearly 60 years old before he’s eligible for parole.

After more than seven hours of deliberation over two days, a jury of eight women and four men found Ocasio, 21, guilty Friday morning on counts of aggravated murder, murder, aggravated robbery and aggravated burglary.

Ocasio and three others, 22-year-old Dustin LeHoe, 17-year-old Dylan Warren and 16-year-old Jaden Osborn, were charged after going to a home on Cherry Street where David Barcus, 48, was staying on Jan. 20, 2018, intending to rob him of medication and money, according to Licking County Assistant Prosecutor Paula Sawyers.

During closing arguments Thursday afternoon, Sawyers argued both Osborn and Warren testified they last saw Ocasio walking into the house with a silver 9mm handgun and that Ocasio and LeHoe were the ones who went into the basement while they stayed upstairs. Newark police detectives, Sawyers said, testified that a black 9mm recovered by police was determined to not be the murder weapon.

She also reminded jurors of testimony from Licking County Coroner Dr. Jeff Lee, who said evidence shows Barcus was laying down in his bed when he was shot in the abdomen. Detectives testified Barcus was shot at close range, within inches of his body.

The sentence requires Ocasio to serve about 38.5 years in prison before he is first eligible for a hearing before the parole board.

The maximum possible sentence would be life without the possibility of parole.

David Barcus.