Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2014

We all have childhood issues with our siblings that we carry-on into adulthood, and for me one of the major issues that I and presumably my brother have with our sister is the six million hours we spent watching Saved by the Bell instead of Anime or ultra-violent American cartoons.
Though Zach Morris did have his moments of glory, I can see now that Saved by the Bell was little more than open Jew multicultural propaganda. It had a Mexican, a Black, a Jew and three Whites all getting along in a way which would never have happened in real life.
Anyway, unsurprisingly, none of the actors from the show developed real careers, and presumably all ended up as drug-addicts. On Christmas night, the Jew of the show, Dustin Diamond, who played “Screech,” was arrested in Wisconsin for a bar room stabbing.

Diamond, 37, faces charges of felony second-degree recklessly endangering safety charge, disorderly conduct and carrying a concealed weapon.
According to the criminal complaint, Diamond told police that he and his fiancee went out to several bars Thursday night in Port Washington, about 30 miles north of Milwaukee. The couple, who lives in Port Washington, got into a tussle with two men and another woman at the Grand Avenue Saloon, the complaint said.
Port Washington police say they responded at 11:15 p.m. Thursday to a report of a stabbing at a bar. When police caught up with their SUV down the road from the bar, Diamond told police he had a “pen” in his hand when he grabbed one of the men, according to the complaint.
Port Washington police found in the car a switchblade, the point of which was covered in what appeared to be blood. Diamond later told police he accidentally stabbed the man while trying to defend his fiancee, according to the complaint.
The man had been stabbed under the armpit and police said he was not seriously injured.
Diamond appeared Friday afternoon in Ozaukee County court, where bail was set at $10,000. His next hearing is scheduled for Dec. 29. His fiancee, 27-year-old Amanda Schutz, also faces a disorderly conduct charge.
Apparently, he was angry that people wouldn’t stop laughing and taking pictures of him.
TMZ got this uninteresting video of the event:
Since the end of his career (that is, the end of SbtB), the gross Jew Diamond has been involved in various Jewiness.
He released a book where he claimed the set of the show had been constantly filled with sex and drugs, and everyone else who had been on the show was like “that Jew is lying.” He later said it wasn’t true but that he didn’t actually write the book. In the book he also claimed to have slept with 2000 women.
Then in 2006 he released a porno video of himself entitled “Saved by the Smell.” Seriously, that happened. Not even joking.
Here he is talking about it.
Dude is like a caricature from a Ben Garrison comic, no?
This stabbing seems more embarrassing than the sex tape. I dunno though maybe not.