Daily Stormer
March 21, 2015

A tattoo artist who was born in Italy but is now based in Santa Fe, New Mexico is being accused of attempting to incite a new lampshading of the Jews by having tattoos of Red Indian swastikas.
Like some contemporary Native American artists, notably the acclaimed Navajo textile artist Melissa Cody, Guido Baldini of Lost Cowboy Tattoo is using the “whirling logs” motif in his designs. The modified cross is better known as a swastika, the famous symbol of Nazi Germany. Prior to World War II, the whirling logs image was associated with good luck. “It’s an auspicious symbol,” Baldini says. “Why not use it?”Some Santa Fe residents, according to a story from KQRE News 13, are shocked by the design, and wish Baldini would not promote it (he also sells a t-shirt with a large version of the symbol and the words “GOOD LUCK”). Others seem particularly upset that he has applied it to the Zia, the Native symbol that appears on the New Mexico state flag.
The discussion about whether the symbol can ever regain its positive, pre-WWII connotation is likely to continue. But comments to date on the KQRE story and Baldini’s Facebook page have all been supportive. “It is way overdue that the symbol is taken back and shown for what its true meaning is,” said one of Baldini’s Facebook friends who identified herself as Jewish. “The Nazis flipped this old Buddhist (later Navajo) symbol to mean chaos and anarchy. I love that you are taking back the whirling log.”
It is sickening that after all these years, the Red Indians and their Italian-American allies are still trying to gas the Jews.
Here are some more examples of Amerindian Nazism in the art of Melissa Cody, a Red Indian whose weavings make it clear she is a supporter of the final solution.