Scared White Woman Speaks Out About Black Delivery Man Who Turned Out to be a Predatory Stalker

The Denver Channel
June 3, 2014

Angela eventually found out the predator was Black and then remembered that a Black delivery man had delivered her washer and dryer.

A man arrested for stalking and harassment is now back on the street after bonding out of jail, and one of his alleged victims is coming forward — speaking exclusively to the CALL7 Investigators.

“Angela” told CALL7 Investigator John Ferrugia it all began with troubling and anonymous emails and texts, from someone who seemed to know personal details about her and her home.

The president of a local laundry company that employed the suspect, 27-year-old Charlie Williams, said the independent contractor has been on about a thousand service calls in homes and apartments — including Angela’s.

“I was home alone. He was there for about 45 minutes,” she said.” I sat out front; I didn’t watch him do anything.”

About a week later, she said, the strange emails began.

“Which I thought was weird; a lot of people don’t have my email,” she said. “And pictures, like very graphic pictures.”

Then, Angela said, she started getting texts.

“He started talking about stuff in my room, things that were in my room. And I was like, ‘How would someone know about what’s in my room?'” she said.

Finally, a graphic photo triggered her memory of Williams.

Charlie Williams was stalking at least six different women.

“It was African American and it was the only African American that I could think of that had been in my house was the guy that dropped off my washer and dryer,” she said. “I was wondering how, what he did in my house when I was there?”

Angela says Williams then escalated the harassment, calling her at home and work, and texting her that he had videos of her and a key to her home.

She showed the CALL7 Investigators one message that read, “Answer your phone how bout this u got 5 mins to call me or your number [pics] video go viral and I’ll make 800 key copies … And I can get plenty key copies.”

“I was very scared,” she said. “I mean, I just didn’t know what to do, you know?”

Angela called police that night.

Sergeant Michelle Wagner of the Lakewood Police Department Major Crimes Unit said Williams is dangerous because his reported behavior was escalating.

“It was over a long period of time and repeated contact and that is concerning because he is not just attempting to contact and moving on with other victims,” Wagner said.

Police believe Angela was one of at least six victims, including Shaina Wilson, who also shared her story with the CALL7 Investigators.

Both Wilson and Angela are now working with prosecutors on the case against Williams, who has been charged and is out on bond. If you recognize him, or have received similar messages after having a home appliance installed, call the Lakewood Police Department at 303-987-7111.