Schizophrenic Media Message on Russia’s Ability (or Lack Thereof) to Hack Elections

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 19, 2016

So the media is in a situation where they are arguing that Donald Trump is an insane conspiracy theorist for saying that the Obama government could manipulate the election, but at the same time saying that Russia could do it with ease.

Basically, they are attempting to set-up a situation where no matter what the outcome is, they can claim they won and act accordingly.

If Trump wins, it was Russian election hacking. If Hillary wins, it couldn’t have been a hacked election because election hacking is impossible.

It’s a balancing act.

CNN is dealing with this in a bizarre (but I guess maybe sort of clever?) way by simply reporting both things at the same time.

On Wednesday, they reported that Russia is already hacking election systems.


Then on Friday, they basically announced that a free election was impossible, saying Putin had already won (here a Putin win means a Trump win – they now just state it as fact that Trump is part of a Russian conspiracy).


Now today, they’ve published an article saying that it is physically impossible for the elections to be hacked.


At the same time that they are saying Russian hacking has a) already happen, b) destined to happen or c) impossible, they are flatly denying that the government itself would have the ability to interfere with election results.

Yesterday, they did a “fact check” claiming his claim that election-rigging is possible is “FALSE.”


They also announced that Trump even making the suggestion that voter fraud was possible is “so dangerous.”


I’ve used CNN articles here exclusively, because it helps to drive the point home to see all of this coming from the same source, but the rest of the media – as always – is following the exact same script.

It’s gotten so redundant at this point, but here once again you see how absolutely ridiculous the media is. The basic concept that Russia can interfere with the elections but the government itself can’t is insane on the face of it. But there it is.

Twilight zone jewing intensifies

My View

Basically, elections have been worthless since the invention of electronic voting machines. There is going to be so much doubt in the results that even if Hillary does win outright (which seems unlikely at this point), no one is going to believe it. The system is too utterly corrupt, and shown to be so so thoroughly, and we know that election-rigging is possible.

So why wouldn’t they do it?

The good news is, if they succeed in manipulating the election enough that Hillary wins, Trump is going to call them on it.

I have no idea what the result of that will be.

But a violent uprising certainly isn’t out of the question.