Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2013

The other night, having finished a long day of reading real news and posting it here on the Daily Stormer, I was looking for some insane gibberish to read as relaxing entertainment, and visited This highly commercialized disinformation website always has a daily image posted at the top of the page, often something by the schizophrenic conspiracy photoshopper David Dees; these images generally deal with the typical Alex Jones nonsense – Ron Paul vs. the TSA, secret weather-modification machines being used for eugenics, Monsanto brain virus infecting Voltron, or something-whatever.
However, this time I found something different. Rather than an image dealing with some radical and deranged ‘theory’ based on bits and pieces he read on a web forum, I found a much more personal piece of David Dees’ “art” – an image documenting a secret plan by the government to stack his shoes while he was asleep.

It is difficult to really comment on this, other than to say that I think it very clearly illustrates the general mindset of the typical raving internet conspiracy theorist. They train themselves to believe that everything in the world is a conspiracy, and this then very quickly becomes a part of their own personal lives.
I can just hear Jones reporting on it: “Folks, the CIA admits that they use infrared scanners to see if you’re taking a nap, and then break into your house and stack your shoes. I have the documents – it’s all admitted. They just throw it right in your face.”
The Daily Stormer has a strict policy of not allowing any images by David Dees to be featured on the site, even though I guess he has some decent ones about Jew bankers and the Holohoax.
We do, however, have a soft-spot for Ben Garrison.
Oh, I also found this on Rense:

Seriously, “I shifted to a parallel universe , overcame lyme’s disease and became a millionaire -fast!”
Can you imagine the callousness of someone willing to sell people something like this? How could you not feel sick inside, abusing the mentally ill in this way? Can you imagine answering for such a thing after death?
Jeff Rense is a man who pretends to oppose the Jewish occupation, but will switch his views depending on who he is talking to, thus throwing his listeners into a state of permanent confusion. He hopes to get them confused enough that they will click adds for books about shifting to other dimensions to gain powers to become a millionaire.

I am sick of these shills, and I am sick of the people who defend them as ‘not that bad.’ All of them must be named and blamed for the hurt they are doing to our people.
The Truth About the Truth Movement: A List of Shills (abridged)