Science Hoaxers Now Claiming You Can Travel Through Wormholes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 16, 2019

Scientists have failed to prove that blackholes actually exist, but they used a computer program to render an image of one that they think might be possibly real.

So now they’re ready to start telling you that you can actually travel through these blackholes, like in Stargate SG-1.

Or like in Farscape, which was actually probably better than Stargate SG-1.

Really had much better stories, better characters and a better universe than SG-1. In fact, I would go so far as to say the universe was more interesting than Star Trek itself, though the stories were not as good. The puppets (designed by Jim Henson’s son, by the way) were much more interesting than Star Trek’s “put some random weird marker on the face” system of creating alien races.

Plus that skinny gray bitch was extra hot.

Like a white gook, basically.

A Harvard physicist has shown that wormholes can exist: tunnels in curved space-time, connecting two distant places, through which travel is possible.

But don’t pack your bags for a trip to other side of the galaxy yet; although it’s theoretically possible, it’s not useful for humans to travel through, said the author of the study, Daniel Jafferis, from Harvard University, written in collaboration with Ping Gao, also from Harvard and Aron Wall from Stanford University.

“It takes longer to get through these wormholes than to go directly, so they are not very useful for space travel,” Jafferis said. He will present his findings at the 2019 American Physical Society April Meeting in Denver.

Despite his pessimism for pan-galactic travel, he said that finding a way to construct a wormhole through which light could travel was a boost in the quest to develop a theory of quantum gravity.

“The real import of this work is in its relation to the black hole information problem and the connections between gravity and quantum mechanics,” Jafferis said.

The new theory was inspired when Jafferis began thinking about two black holes that were entangled on a quantum level, as formulated in the ER=EPR correspondence by Juan Maldacena from the Institute for Advanced Study and Lenny Susskind from Stanford. Although this means the direct connection between the black holes is shorter than the wormhole connection—and therefore the wormhole travel is not a shortcut—the theory gives new insights into quantum mechanics.

“From the outside perspective, travel through the wormhole is equivalent to quantum teleportation using entangled black holes,” Jafferis said.

So, Daniel Jafferis…

Where did he get this information?

Basically, he just made it up.

That is what these people do.

They come up with some math equation and then say that it means you can travel through portals.

This is stupid and it is why I don’t fucking love science.

Warp portals, trannies, global warming, vaccines – everything associated with fucking loving science is some kind of weird hoax.

It’s exhausting and I hate it.