Scientists Develop “Robobees” to Combat Dying Bee Population

Timon Singh

As we continue to destroy our planet through Jewish hyper-capitalism, more extreme measures such as this become necessary
As we continue to destroy our planet through Jewish hyper-capitalism, more extreme measures such as this become necessary

Speaking to Scientific American, the team leaders said: “In 2009 the three of us began to seriously consider what it would take to create a robotic bee colony. We wondered if mechanical bees could replicate not just an individual’s behavior but the unique behavior that emerges out of interactions among thousands of bees. We have now created the first RoboBees—flying bee-size robots—and are working on methods to make thousands of them cooperate like a real hive.”

The biomimicking scheme, also known as the Micro Air Vehicles Project, aims to “push advances in miniature robotics and the design of compact high-energy power sources; spur innovations in ultra-low-power computing and electronic “smart” sensors; and refine coordination algorithms to manage multiple, independent machines”.

Nice – but what does that mean in layman’s terms? Well, by coordinating large numbers of small, agile robots to mimic the physical and behavioral robustness of insect groups, the program could direct a swarm of robots to accomplish tasks faster more reliably, and more efficiently than a single unit.

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