Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2015

Penn State University researchers have identified a key gene responsible for making White people’s skin white.
The first instance of it occurred roughly 10,000 years ago in just one person, somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.
Professor Keith Cheng explained that one amino acid difference in the gene SLC24A5 is a key contributor to the skin color difference between White people and Negroes.
“The mutation in SLC24A5 changes just one building block in the protein, and contributes about a third of the visually striking differences in skin tone between peoples of African and European ancestry,” he said.
Everyone who is White has it, but very few Negroes. It would have to be just the mulatto type Negroes that have it, as since it can be traced back to just one ancestor, then it could only have been spread to them through interbreeding. It is also found in Arabs, Pakistanis and Indians, which shows that some of the original White people in those lands, must have lowered themselves to breeding with the aboriginees and lightened their skins for them.
“This means that Middle Easterners and South Indians, which includes most inhabitants of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, share significant ancestry.” Professor Cheng said.
Notice that he did not say they share significant ancestry with White “Europeans” despite having the same “mutation” in gene SLC24A5. This is because their ancestry is miscegenated and ours is not.