Scotland: Funeral Held for Six-Year-Old White Girl Raped and Murdered on Haji-Enriched Island

In 2015, the British government made plans to force 20,000 bearded Syrian children into the United Kingdom over a five-year period. In true Kalergi style, those Moslems weren’t merely to be injected into major cities and towns, but also sparsely populated islands far removed from the beaten path.

One island that was hit particularly hard (in proportion to its tiny population of 6,500) was Bute. Located off the shores of western Scotland, Bute forcibly received an initial 15 “migrant” families to “invigorate” its shrinking native population, with more presumably intended thereafter.

The Daily Mail made a big fuss about it at the time. Here are two paragraphs that stood out from that first report:

Although this is one of the most impoverished parts of the UK, the Home Office says each adult migrant is eligible for £200 emergency cash to tide them over until they are given National Insurance numbers which will entitle them to claim state benefits. Under a settlement programme funded by Whitehall, the families also get free heating, lighting and their council tax bills are being paid.

Indeed, nothing is too much trouble. A specially appointed imam is to be ferried from Glasgow each week to lead Friday prayers. A local supermarket has promised to sell halal meat from animals slaughtered according to rules set out in the Koran, after the renowned butchers, MacQueens of Rothesay near the seafront, refused to supply it.

So, while the Scottish locals continued to remain impoverished (with the local government undoubtedly citing “budget cuts” and other excuses reserved for white people seeking aid), that same government unhesitatingly rolled out the red carpet for these camel-faced invaders, giving them access to a bottomless well of resources that didn’t seem to exist before.

Almond-activating stuff.

Anyway, at the beginning of this month, three years after the first Moslems arrived on Bute’s shores, six-year-old Alesha MacPhail was found dead.

She was raped and murdered in the woods by a 16-year-old boy whose name “cannot be identified for legal reasons.”

Now, while it’s possible that a teenage Scot raped and killed her despite living in a close-knit community where everyone knows each other (and where nothing like this has ever happened before), I’m going to assume that it was a haji.

Because 2+2 usually does equal 4.

Little Alesha’s funeral occurred this week. As you can imagine, her murder deeply affected the community.

Daily Mail:

Alesha MacPhail’s mother has led the tributes to the tragic six-year-old who was killed on the Isle of Bute as mourners wore pink at her funeral today.

Georgina Lochrane said that ‘every single day will be harder than the day before to walk this earth without you by my side’ and added: ‘Goodnight my sweetie’.

The schoolgirl’s family carried her little pink coffin to the waiting hearse, a white carriage drawn by two white horses with pink feathers and pink drapes.

Alesha was staying with relatives on the island in the Firth of Clyde at the start of the summer break when she was found dead. A 16-year-old boy was charged with rape and murder following the discovery of Alesha’s body in woodland on July 2.

A piper played as mourners entered Coats Funeral Home in Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire, on Saturday, with dozens of bows tied to the railings of the building while cuddly toys including teddies and unicorns lined the wall outside.

After the ceremony Alesha’s family carried her little pink coffin to the waiting hearse, a white carriage drawn by two white horses with pink feathers and pink drapes.

Mourners lined the street as the hearse set off for Coltswood Cemetery, followed by two black carriages carrying flowers, and family members in cars.

The natives of Bute have just been given a very small taste of what’s occurring on a much greater scale on the mainland. Millions of Pakis and other genetic abominations are pouring into UK at the behest of a government controlled by pedophiles and Jews, then granted carte blanche to rape and murder the white natives at will.

Fortunately for these locals, they’re still in a position to protect their small island from further tragedies. But if they fail to act, and remain meek and passive in the face of conquest like their mainland kinfolk, then they’d better start preparing for the next child’s funeral.