Daily Stormer
February 6, 2014

In Scotland, a rapidly devolving society where homosexual “marriage” has just been legalized, a brewery called “BrewDog” has produced a beer with Vladimir Putin’s face on it which is labeled “not for gays” as a means to show solidarity with homosexuals, who they believe have a right to propagandize children in Russia, whether the Russian people want it or not.
From the Independent:
The brewery responsible for creating the ‘protest beer’ included the following description on the labels: “Hello, my name is Vladimir. I am 100 per cent hetero and will pass laws to prove it.
“Drinking me gives you energy, ignorance and dogmatism required to shoot a deer (with your top off) and pass internationally denounced, discriminatory legislation (top optional) before you’ve even had your caviar breakfast.”
James Watt, co-founder of BrewDog said they produced the double IPA 8.2 per cent beer, which went on sale shortly before the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics begins, as a protest against the President’s gay laws and to “hold up a mirror to discriminatory legislation signed off by Mr Putin.”
He told The Independent: “We sent a case of beer to the Kremlin, as well as leaving beer at the Russian Consulate in Edinburgh and the Russian Embassy in London. We’ve not heard anything from Mr Putin, but we expect he’s out petting a leopard somewhere, probably with his top off.”
Mr Watt described the public response to the beer as overwhelmingly positive. “We’ve had tens of thousands of tweets about it – there is a lot of support for the beer and the cause”, he added.
On their website, BrewDog say their core beliefs are: “freedom of expression, freedom of speech and a dogged (no pun intended) passion for doing what we love.”
“The sick, twisted legislation brought about in Russia that prevents people from living their true lives is something we didn’t want to just sit back and not have an opinion on.“
Really, BrewDog? It is “sick” and “twisted” to disallow men who put their penises in other men’s buttholes to tell children that they should also engage in this weird act?
At what point will liberalism have pushed this all so far that no one can take it seriously anymore?
It appears we are rapidly approaching that point.