Daily Slave
January 1, 2014
Apparently the UK and Scotland must not have a whole lot of crime problems as the Scottish Police have issued a tweet saying that they will be monitoring social media for offensive comments. Guess they must have deported all of the Africans and Muslims that have entered the country illegally if this is what they are focused on.
Needlessly to say it was incredibly stupid for them to do this. What actually can be defined as an offensive comment? What offends one person is not going to offend another. Plus, they are basically saying that they are going to use police resources to investigate something that isn’t even a criminal act.
This whole situation comes after the evil Jewess MP bitch Luciana Berger cried to Twitter because people said mean things about her on the Interwebs.
I honestly hate social media and generally refuse to use most of these sites. Facebook is completely run by Jews and they now require all sorts of personal information just to register an account. These sites are basically huge data mining operations where they are creating centralized databases of information on billions of people around the world.
I guess I would use social media to troll Jews and other political opponents but that’s about it.
But going back to the original part of the story, the tweet by the Scottish police has caused people to respond angrily with tweets the Scottish police would probably find offensive. Here are a few replies to the Scottish police.
Perhaps the best course of action with this is to report as many tweets by Jews like Luciana Berger and Ed Miliband to the Scottish police. Say that they offended you for whatever reason you deem fit. After all, their very presence in the UK is offensive.