SCOTUS Overturns Lower Court Attack on Trump Moslem Ban

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 11, 2017

Go back and protest in Pakistan, you towelhead sluts!

Another of Trump’s wins is that the SCOTUS is now going to back us up on everything.


The US Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a lower court’s ruling which outlined exemptions from the Trump administration’s temporary ban on refugees.

The Department of Justice asked the Supreme Court early on Monday to stay the decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which sought to expand the class of refugees that could be admitted to the US.

The California-based 9th Circuit ruled on Thursday that “refugees who have formal assurances from resettlement agencies or are in the US Refugee Admissions Program (“USRAP”) through the Lautenberg Amendment” should be allowed in.

President Donald Trump initially ordered a temporary ban on almost all refugee admissions to the US.

While federal judges immediately sought to block the order, the Supreme Court allowed it to partially go into effect in a June 26 ruling, specifying that exemptions must be made for those with “a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States.”

What we need to do is get a First Amendment case related to Google and registrars in front of the Supreme Court.

That is the only way we are going to get our .com back.

We also need a suit to rule that Obama’s transfer of ICANN to an international body was Unconstitutional. He did it without Congressional approval.

Anyway, good about the Paki filth. A little less of that is always good.

Now we need a way to start getting these filthy Somalians out of Columbus, Ohio.