Scum-Sucking Childless Old Whore Theresa Endorses Second Brexit Referendum!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2019

On Tuesday, the scoundrel Theresa May pitched the idea of a second Brexit referendum.

I told you all this was coming.

It was the entire point of this whole draw-out bullshit fake attempt to actually do Brexit.


Prime Minister Theresa May’s final Brexit gambit was in tatters on Wednesday just hours after her offer of a vote on a second referendum and closer trading arrangements failed to win over either opposition lawmakers or many in her own party.

Nearly three years since Britain voted 52% to 48% to leave the European Union, May is trying one last time to get her divorce deal approved by the British parliament before her crisis-riven premiership ends.

May on Tuesday appealed to lawmakers to get behind her deal, offering the prospect of a possible second referendum on the agreement and closer trading arrangements with the EU as incentives.

Conservative and Labour lawmakers lined up to criticise May’s Withdrawal Agreement Bill, or WAB, legislation which implements the terms of Britain’s departure. Some upped efforts to oust her.

“We are being asked to vote for a customs union and a second referendum,” Boris Johnson, the bookies favourite to be Britain’s next prime minister, said.

“The Bill is directly against our manifesto – and I will not vote for it. We can and must do better – and deliver what the people voted for,” he said.

The deadlock in London means it is unclear how, when or even if Britain will leave the European club it joined in 1973. The current deadline to leave is Oct. 31.

Britain’s labyrinthine crisis over Brexit has stunned allies and foes alike, and with deadlock in London, the world’s fifth largest economy faces an array of options including an exit with a deal to smooth the transition, a no-deal exit, an election or a second referendum.

The fact of reality is that May’s entire premiership was about failing to do Brexit, and preparing people for a second referendum, wherein people would vote “remain” because they have been convinced by the botched process that it is impossible to leave the EU.

The money interests that run Britain couldn’t immediately push for a second referendum, and they didn’t have to. Theresa May, being a childless old hag with no reason to even exist, was more than happy to live in the spotlight for a couple of years in order to push this fake attempt at Brexit, and “prove” to the plebs it is impossible.

I do not think Brexit will ever happen.

Because the people have literally no power at all to decide anything.

We voted for Brexit, we get no Brexit.

We voted to MAGA, we get neocon warmongering and the most immigrants ever in history.

It’s all a fakeout.

We are slaves to a global corporate Jewish state, and this entire concept of “government by the people” is a hoax. I don’t support democracy either way, but actual democracy would be better than what we have now, which is simply authoritarian Jewish rule.

We need a change.