Scumbag Cruz Using the Suffering of Crippled Soldiers to Try to Manipulate Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2016


In what may be one of the most bizarre stories since the start of the Presidential campaign season, Ted Cruz is offering to give 1.5 million dollars to charities which help wounded American war veterans if Trump agrees to a one-on-one debate.

The bizarre flipside of this – which one would think is obvious – is that Cruz is implying he will withhold aid to wounded soldiers if Trump refuses to bend to his will.

This rat bastard Ted Cruz is attempting to use the suffering of our vets in order to manipulate Trump and the American people into doing what he wants.


Two super PACs supporting Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign are offering to donate $1.5 million to charities that help veterans if Donald Trump will debate Cruz head-to-head before the Iowa caucuses.

The political action committees, Keep the Promise I and II, are proposing a one-hour debate to be held in Iowa on or before Jan. 31, the day before the caucuses, with a moderator chosen by the candidates.

“If Trump does what I want him to do, Johnny, who got his leg blown off in Kandahar when he was 19, can one of these new high tech prosthetics. If Trump doesn’t do what I want, well, it looks like Johnny’s going to have to stay in that wheelchair.”

What kind of a twisted sicko thinks like this?

If he was going to offer a bribe, he should have just said “I’ll give Trump a million and a half to debate me.” Involving crippled soldiers in this bribe is just filthy.

This type of manipulative, amoral scumbag not only should not be in the Presidential race – he should not be in America. With this sick mockery of the suffering of our boys, it is clear that Cruz needs to be immediately deported to Canada or Cuba or wherever the hell he’s from.

Please take to social media and spread this meme: Ted Cruz is using the suffering of vets to try and manipulate the Trump and the American public to do his bidding.
