Seals Having Sex with Penguins, or “Just Because You Can…”

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 7, 2014

The Negro-like seals have been raping the poor penguins on Marion island.

Those among us who choose to engage in bestiality with the other bipeds of the earth often like to excuse their behavior by saying that because we are capable of doing it, then we must be meant to be doing it.

Researchers on Marion Island, in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean recently discovered that occasionally during the mating season, some seals will attempt to breed with the penguins who they share their island with.

At first the researchers hypothesized that the inter-species sex was due to a mix-up between the desire to kill and eat and the desire to breed, however after watching one seal rape a penguin first before then eating it they had to discard that theory.

Eventually they realised that the instances of it happening were increasing and this led them to their current explanation.

The coupling was obviously aberrant behaviour that one seal must have engaged in way back in the past, with all the other seals then observing it. When those seals became of mating age, they were then susceptible in the height of the breeding season to copy the previously observed weird sex-act. This explains why the instances of it were increasing.

The Negro-like behavior of the the seals even extended to beating the penguin to death after raping it in one instance.

It is exactly the same in the human world. Our children see unnatural partners constantly being promoted on television and at schools and their natural revulsion to such behavior gradually gets worn down until they are left with no more defenses against it and end up actually copying it once they are adults.

If the other penguins had lynched the first seal rapist then it probably never would have happened again.

I am not advocating lynching race-mixers, but such people have to be completely ostracised to prevent the young of our race from internalising their disgusting behavior. This is why race-mixing was a capital offence in the past and why it can never be tolerated in a healthy society.

The individuals ‘right’ to choose a sexual partner cannot ever be allowed to transcend the race, as it will effect the rest of society in the same fundamentally destructive way that it has to the seal colony on Marion island.

The full video can be found here.
