Second Nog Murderer of White Wine Bar Worker Already in Prison for Similar Case

Daily Stormer
January 19, 2018

You cannot drink wine anymore, goyim.

It was always racist anyway.

Fox News:

Police named the second man they believe was involved in the deadly northwest Atlanta wine bar robbery. Officer said he had turned himself last month in on another, chillingly similar crime in DeKalb County.

Carlous Bailey, 20, of Lithonia, was charged with murder and armed robbery. Police said he was already booked into the DeKalb County Jail on unrelated charges and remained there as of Friday afternoon without bond.

His charges come less than a month after the arrest of Samuel Ott, 21, who was charged with felony murder, assault, kidnapping, and false imprisonment in connection to the same crime, according to police.

Police have been on the hunt for the men since investigators said they stormed into the Barcelona Wine Bar during the early morning of Nov. 19, as employees were closing for the night. Surveillance video showed the men running into the patio area entrance, pulling a man who dived to the ground as they approached inside with them. The men, dressed in black hoodies, were seen on the video near the dishwashing station binding the hands of employees with electrical tape.