Secret Cervix Boss Says Ear Scrape Worst Disaster in Decades – Still Not Resigning

Just so you understand: the de facto official story of the alleged Trump “assassination attempt” is that the CIA did it. They could really easily just drop some fake manifesto they found on his laptop saying he’s a neo-Nazi funded by Iran or whatever sort of shit. Instead they are saying shit so goofy (sloped roof) that they are inviting everyone to think it is a conspiracy by the CIA, like the JFK assassination.

This bitch being out there is to make the thing seem more like a conspiracy.

New York Post:

Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle admitted on Monday that the near-assassination of former President Donald Trump was the “most significant operational failure of the Secret Service in decades” — but still refused to resign as she faced tough questions from lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders. On July 13th, we failed,” Cheatle told members of the House Oversight Committee in a hearing. “As the director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse.”

She claimed during questioning that the building from which Crooks opened fire was “outside the perimeter” of Secret Service protection — and that the reason for her agency not having counter-snipers on the building was because the agency prefers to have “sterile” rather than “sloped” roofs.

It is a conspiracy, but the conspiracy was not to kill Donald Trump, and God didn’t save Donald Trump’s life so he could do Pujabi pagan prayer, gay sex, abortion, face tattooed porn star, and war for Israel.

The conspiracy was to make you think God saved Donald Trump.

I’m holding a hard line on this, and I’m going to be vindicated af fr fr.

No cap.

Zero cap, friend.

American Caesar is not going to do anything good for you.

I know I’m the only one saying this. Maybe some smaller accounts are saying it, or some kooks. I’m aware that I’ve thrown in with kooks. Trust me. I’m well aware.

However, I’m going to tell you with a straight face that when you say “God saved Donald Trump,” you sound completely insane. I’m a Christian and I believe in personal miracles. But if God was going to do political miracles in the modern age, he would have arranged a meeting between Hitler and Stalin where they became BFF.

The people of Germany and Russia (and America, France, and Britain for that matter) were a lot more deserving of some kind of divine intervention than fat, gay, retarded, Niggermerica. In the 1940s, people in all white countries actually prayed to Jesus and did the right thing and being gay was against the law.

If there was going to be a political miracle, it would have been a Nazi-Soviet alliance against Jews.

In the 1990s, people were saying that the Antichrist would be a leader who looked like he got shot and then survived. I don’t really believe that. But it’s interesting.

As far as whether Trump used a blade on his ear, or whether there was a blood capsule, or whether there was a wound done by a surgeon beforehand and he ripped off a skin-colored bandage to produce the blood – I have no idea and it doesn’t matter.

Frankly, it wouldn’t even matter if the CIA did the assassination and missed. That wouldn’t happen and couldn’t even happen, but if that did happen, the outcome would still be the same: American Caesar going to war for Jews.

Think it through, friend.

Weird times ahead.

I’m fine with it because I think it will be funny.

As a wise man once said: when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

But I was born pro.

Plus, I don’t even live in America.


In terms of that psycho bitch, they might leave her around for a bit, but if Biden fires her, they’re going to say Kamala pressured him to do it.

This shit is all so goofy and retarded.

I’m ready for the Chicago nigger cannibal videos on TikTok.

Jk, I’m sure everything will be fine lol.

(The joke is that that is the joke – it’s not going to be fine. Just buy the damn Hilux already.)