Seizure Granny Attacks Trump for Being Against Terrorism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 19, 2016

Wow, great angle Hillary.


Hillary Clinton cast herself Monday morning as the only presidential candidate who has fought terrorism and slammed Donald Trump’s response to the incidents in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota over the weekend as “demagogic.”

In a news conference on the tarmac of Westchester County Airport, the Democratic presidential nominee said she has been “part of the hard decision to take terrorists off the battlefield,” and contrasted her steadiness to what she called Trump’s “irresponsible, reckless rhetoric.”

“It is like so much else he says: It is not grounded in fact, it is meant to make some kind of demagogic point,” Clinton said. “I am prepared to, ready to actually take on those challenges, not engage in a lot of irresponsible, reckless rhetoric.”

An explosive device went off in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan over the weekend, once again thrusting the politics of terror into the center of the 2016 election.

Clinton and Trump initially responded to the incident in contrasting styles: Trump was quick to announce that a bomb had gone off in New York, even before there was much information about the incident; Clinton, meanwhile, urged caution, and the importance of waiting to draw conclusions until more information was available.

She said that after she had called it a bombing, CNN.

You can’t just lie by omission like this anymore.

We have the internet now.

A paragraph like that might as well read “WE ARE LYING KIKES OPENLY MANIPULATING THE STUPID GOYIM.” It is brutally transparent at this point in history.

In her news conference Monday morning, Clinton also warned against the instinct to villainize entire groups of people based on religion.

Asked about Ahmad Khan Rahami — in custody following a police shootout after he was allegedly seen on video near the bombing — and whether his Afghan descent will help Trump politically, Clinton said: “There are millions of law-abiding, peaceful Muslim Americans.”

“That is why I have been very clear. We are going after the bad guys and we are going to get them, but we are not going to go after an entire religion and give ISIS exactly what it is wanting,” Clinton said.

Clinton’s news conference offered no new policies to fight terror. She argued, as she has before, that the United States needs to invest more in intelligence to combat lone wolf attacks.

That is so, so stupid.

The only way to combat lone world attacks through intelligence is to literally monitor every single Moslem in the country, non-stop. A lot of these people have shown no signs of being religious before going out and committing the attacks. That makes sense, because they want to make up for their sins of having been drinkers who didn’t go to the mosque or whatever other religious obligations they have and ensure they go to heaven by doing jihad.

It would be interesting to study the recent attacks and see which ones had been highly religious beforehand and which ones hadn’t. San Bernardino seems to have been done by relatively religious Moslems, while Nice was done by a guy who wasn’t religious at all. The Orlando shooter was in-between.

So yeah. Short of monitoring every single one in the country, the usefulness of intelligence is going to be incidental. Most (possibly even all) of the planned attacks where they are caught beforehand are the result of an informant setting-up someone who probably wouldn’t have even committed an attack anyway. They buy them guns or bombs or whatever, then arrest them. This is done to give the illusion that they have the ability to use intelligence to stop small-scale terrorist attacks.

The only actual solution is to remove Moslems from our country. And everyone pretty much knows that, instinctively. And here’s the kicker: no one actually even cares. It’s a stupid, silly game where people pretend to care for social signaling reasons. To show how good they are. People did the same thing during the Christian era. It is part of what we are as a species that we feel a need to show the people around us that we uphold the accepted moral standards, and the accepted moral standards at present (for those who buy into it) are being against racism and protecting minorities.

No one would actually feel sadness if Trump signed an executive order ordering the immediate deportation of all ethnic Moslems for national security reasons. They wouldn’t cry when their Moslem neighbors got their doors kicked in, got hauled out into the street and thrown in the back of a black van. In fact, they would feel relief. Because we all know, instinctively, that these people want to kill us.