Daily Stormer
July 19, 2014

Earlier, Rihanna Tweeted her support for Palestine and was rapidly called an Antisemite by the baby-killing Jews.
On Friday, Selena Gomez came out and asked people to “pray for Gaza,” and we are waiting for the Jews to flip out and accuse her of hating them for no reason simply because they are slaughtering babies like pigs in Gaza.
Gomez wrote, “Please pray for those families and babies today. Please always remember what’s important in life.”
“It’s not any of this,” continued the singer, who earlier had been posting about her press appearance in Italy. “We are here to help, inspire and love. Be that change.”
She concluded with the hashtag, “#wearethenextgeneration.”
It is incredible that in this day and age such blatant hatred of the Jew people still exists.