Self-Important Kike Jonathan Weisman Quits Twitter Over Anti-Semitic Trolls

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2016

The New York Times journalist and self-important kike Jonathan Weisman has quit Twitter because people are making fun of him and calling him mean names. This has badly hurt his Jew feelings, given that it brings up memories of the past – a past in which his entire family was gassed and turned into soap by Adolf Hitler.

Washington Times:

New York Times editor Jon Weisman announced on Twitter Wednesday that he is abandoning the social media site over the company’s refusal to address anti-Semitic tweets.

Mr. Weisman, who is Jewish, wrote that he will be “moving to Facebook where at least people need to use their real names and can’t hide behind fakery to spread their hate.”

The deputy editor of the Times’ Washington bureau said a colleague reported a compendium of anti-Semitic tweets to Twitter Monday, CNN reported.

In one tweet, Mr. Weisman was referred to as a “kike.” Another threatened to have him put “in the oven,” CNN reported.

…By late Wednesday morning, two of the accounts that Mr. Weisman called out were suspended, CNN reported.

“I started getting notifications from Twitter that accounts are being suspended as soon as I said I was quitting Twitter, so yes, somebody is listening,” Mr. Weisman told CNN in an email. “Not all the accounts that I reported, however, are being blocked. I really don’t understand what is deemed acceptable and what is over the line.

“I think Twitter should require people to user their real names, like Facebook does,” he said. “Of course people will lie, just as they do on Facebook. But just making people provide a real name and a verifiable email address would help. Twitter is absurd, and the Twitter handles of anti-Semitic, racist trolls aren’t even trying to sound legit.”

This crybaby fit comes after Weisman mass-retweeted anti-Semitic trolls, then wrote a New York Times editorial piece about the feelings he felt when people called him mean names on the internet (SPOILER ALERT: one of the main feelings he felt was sadness over the memory of the Holocaust).


The greasy, Christ-killing kike Weisman had recently joined the self-echoing campaign, wherein Jews are using the (((echo))) symbol to mark themselves as Jews so that… I don’t actually know why they’re doing that.

I guess they’re trying to raise awareness of the fact that Jews control the media.


Has the Council Acted?

There appears to be a pretty good chance that Weisman’s decision was on the advice of the newly assembled ADL anti-troll council which was convened to try and shut down weev and myself.

I would be very unsurprised if they are attempting to do a powerplay, where a number of Jew journalists publicly quit the site, demanding censorship.

Weisman is definitely in contact with the council, as all of these whining Jew journalists are. And this is the logical next step after echoing themselves.

Whining like little babies about their feelings hasn’t worked, so their solution is to whine louder until the goyim finally realize that the reason their feelings are so hurt is because all their family members were turned into soap by Hitler.