Selma Memorial Attended by Retarded Monkeys, Marxist Traitors and Subversive Jews

Daily Slave
March 9, 2015

LOL – look at George W. over to the right.

The Jew run media has been making a huge deal out of this Selma memorial all day.  Essentially they are remembering the 50th anniversary of the day when a group of Blacks financed and supported by subversive Jews stirred up trouble with White southerners.  Force was used against a group of Negro protesters resulting in a small handful of Blacks being hospitalized.  As Alabama governor George Wallace pointed out at the time, the force used was not excessive when compared to how other police departments dealt with similar types of protests around the country.  What was different about Selma is how the Hebrew controlled media turned the event into a circus.  They used this event as a way to advance their subversive agenda of pitting Whites against Blacks for the interest and benefit of the Jew.

So fast forward 50 years later and we see this memorial being attended by a bunch of retarded monkeys, Marxist traitors and subversive Jews.  All of them are saying what an important event this was and how so much more needs to be done to eliminate “racism” in America.  Even the Kenyan ape overlord flew in to deliver a speech.

I’d really like to know what more these Blacks want done because they don’t seem to be capable of articulating specifics.  They just speak in generalities using the Jew invented word of “racism” over and over again as if that’s supposed to mean something.

If this “racism” is such a huge problem, why do we have a Negro President, a Negro Attorney General and a Negro head of Homeland Security?  There are also many other Blacks in key government offices throughout the country.  Billions of dollars for welfare and food stamps go to Blacks.  There are affirmative action programs that ensure Blacks get employment opportunities even if they are not as qualified as a White person.  Similar affirmative action policies exist at colleges and universities.  If White people openly talk about how they have issues with Black people they can often times lose their job and livelihood.  So seriously Blacks, what more do you want?  Do you even know?

The bottom line is that Blacks and Whites will never be equal but these people cannot face the obvious truth that there are distinct racial differences between us.  Whites on average are better at creating things and building civilizations.  Blacks on average are faster and seem to possess greater physical attributes that are helpful in hunting animals in their natural environment of Africa.

Seems to me that you Blacks won’t be happy until there are no more White people around you.  So I would suggest you all move to Africa and don’t come back.  I’m serious, just leave and take your Jew financiers with you.  Or if that doesn’t suit, move to Detroit.  All the White people have left because Black people destroyed what was once a great city.