Senile Old Coot Brandon Bullied Into Wearing Trump Hat

The thing about old people is that you can just get aggressive with them and bully them into doing things.

This is unethical, but also hilarious.

The senile president of America, Joe Brandon, was on Wednesday bullied into wearing a Donald Trump hat. Attending a memorial celebrating the November 9th attacks of 2001 in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, an old man demanded he put on the hat. After refusing several times, Brandon capitulated in order to end the bullying, making for a very funny image.

Meeting with firefighters in Shanksville, close to where United Airlines flight 93 crashed on 9/11, the old coot was heckled by the crowd, which was obviously not very fond of Biden, a diehard promoter of mass immigration, endless war, and child trannies. A man from the crowd asked Brandon if he remembered his name. Brandon said he is too old to remember his name. It was not clear if he was being sarcastic.

“You’re an old fart,” the man told the pervert Brandon, who has argued for children as young as 2 to be forced into homosexuality. The president replied: “Yeah, I’m an old guy… You would know a lot about that.”

After the man kept telling him to put on his Trump hat, Brandon eventually agreed, and the crowd cheered.

This is very bad optics for the Democrat Party. In response to the event, one of Brandon’s handlers, Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates, posted a statement to Twitter claiming that the old coot put on the hat as “a show of bipartisan unity.”

This is despite the fact that people can easily watch the video and see an old man getting bullied and simply wanting people to stop being mean to him.
