Senior French Politician Says France is Being “Colonized Economically, Culturally and Via Migration”

Diversity Macht Frei
October 24, 2017

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan sees France as a “colonised” country. In an interview on Sunday with Radio J dimanche, the former presidential candidate for Debout la France sees as a positive thing Marine Le Pen’s evolution on the Euro, which he calls to be reformed from within.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of Debout la France, on Radio J this Sunday worried about a France “colonised economically, culturally, and through migration” and expressed his wish to “put together a serious programme” for all those who “do not want it”.

“I am trying to save my country which is being colonised economically – we see all the companies being sold off on the cheap, the next is Airbus, we have seen Alstom, Lafarge, Technip, they are all going under foreign control — we are colonised culturally, and via migration, this is a country that is in the process of disappearing”, said the deputy for Essonne. The notion of colonisation by waves of migration makes referencce to the theory of the “Great Replacement”, popular on the far right.


Dupont-Aignan supported Marine Le Pen in her presidential campaign and would have been her Prime Minister if she had won. But he is independent of the Front National and has more of a mainstream background.