If you play video games, you’re not a real man. You’re a pathetic little boy who never grew up. There is nothing more weak and wimpy than an adult man who sits around playing kiddie games.
Real men don’t have time for games. Real men have much more masculine pursuits than sitting around wasting time at a little boy’s computer learning how to be an expert at stupid, pointless video games.
Real men don’t have time for games.
Real men spend their time doing what real men have always done: watching sports.
While little boys are are in the basement pushing buttons, trying to “level up their skills,” the real men will be on the couch, watching niggers throw balls at each other. The real man feels nothing looking at some stupid character for kids on a little screen. The real man’s blood starts pumping when he sees Jaquim Jackson, a beefy and virile specimen of pure athleticism, chuck a ball.
A real man will say to his friend: “Sonavabitch, did you see how good Jaquim Jackson chucked that ball last night?” and his friend will reply, “damn it, bastard, I haven’t seen anyone chuck a ball as good as Jaquim since Daquan Jenkins chucked that ball in 1987.”
A third real man, filled with true masculinity and very knowledgable of the most masculine pursuits, might then interject: “Sure, Jaquim is a good ball-chucker, but his ball-chucking skills are nothing compared to DeJaquavius Harris, who is the greatest ball-chucker of all time, as we saw with his ball-chucking in 1974.”
The other two real men, who are oozing with masculine energy, will look at the third man with glowing admiration for his extremely impressive knowledge of 1970s ball-chucking greats, and they will know he is no little boy, but a real man.
Later, the three will arrange to meet up on a Sunday, when they will get together and drink gallons of beer, filled with masculine estrogen, which is the juice that keeps a red-blooded real man’s virility pumping. Little boys are drinking the faggot stuff like tequila and vodka, sitting in front of a mirror preening like a sissy at their trim form. If you don’t have sloppy, droopy tits from drinking dozens of beers while sitting around watching niggers chuck balls at one another, I question if you even have balls. A real man wears his balls on his chest: big droopy sacks of fat, because he isn’t some sissy boy who keeps himself trim like a faggot.
It’s time for the little boys to grow up and put away those childish video games. If you want to be a real man, get off the computer and get onto the couch. Start learning about the important teams of virile ball-chucking bucks. Learn all of the names of the top ball-chuckers, and remember all of their major achievements so you can share that knowledge with other masculine real men. A real man knows how truly manly another man is by his ability to recite facts about the best ball-chuckers in the league. If you don’t know the top ball-chuckers, you’re no better than a little boy playing with his dollies.
This country is going to hell and if we want to help Trump stop those commie chinks from flying drones and spying on our military from their communist hell hole where they don’t have any freedom, we need macho men, true beer-drinkers with real masculine admiration and knowledge of ball-chucking niggers.
Stop being a pathetic little man-child with your pointless waste of time video games, and start spending all of your free time watching virile niggers, watching people talk about virile niggers, reading about virile niggers, and talking to other real men about the incredible ball-chucking skills of virile niggers. Go to the stadiums where these virile niggers chuck their balls, and sit in the parking lot and drink beers. Paint your face. Buy all of the outfits. Dress up in a costume. Grow manly boobs from drinking estrogen juice. Start screaming with a strong and masculine roar. Maybe finally the women will notice how tough and serious you are and you’ll get a sweet pussy to perform the masculine act of cunnilingus on.
Become a true man. Stop being a little boy and become a true patriot, brimming with masculine energy. Become a true powerhouse of manly adulthood.
That is how we are going to save America.
We’re never going to save this country from commie chink drones spying on our brave military heroes with a bunch of little boys who play video games.
‘Nuff said.