Serbian Filmmaker Calls Out Jew Soros as Lead Force Behind the “Migrant Crisis”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 16, 2016

Though the video is titled “Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica accuses Soros of causing migration issues,” the man is not making an “accusation,” he is simply stating a documented fact and backing it up with data.

Of course, the Jew Soros is not the only force behind the migration, just as he is not the only force behind Black Lives Matter, the Jewkraine revolution, attempts to foment revolution in Russia, the anti-Trump movement, etc. However, he does play a leading role in all of these disastrous world events.

Emir Kusturica suspects that US investor George Soros is behind the migration crisis in Europe.

The Serbian film director spoke to euronews in Brussels, where he was attending the opening event for the Balkan Trafik festival.

He also said that the European Union is governed Soviet-style, by unelected officials, and represents the interests of multinational companies.

It’s a very informative interview.

Highly recommended.

In other Soros news, he is also being exposed as the lead figure behind the “Democracy Spring” anti-Trump movement. Though that little project isn’t working out nearly as well as his Euro-invasion project.