Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 19, 2015
As a man, there are certain behavioral decisions that your biology makes for you. One of the most important of these is: who do I stare-rape?
For instance, would you stare-rape this chick?

Currently consulting my biological mechanism which measures such things, I’m thinking: it’s unlikely. She isn’t really very pretty, and has a swarthy Semitic thing going on.
However, it would depend mainly on what the bottom half of her looks like. Then add what she is wearing. And perhaps even more importantly, how she moves/walks.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to be stare-raped is up to the woman. And all women know this. Even the hottest woman on earth will not be stare-raped by the horniest man on earth if she is dressed and moving in a manner which does nothing to imply sexual availability.
Because stare-rape (and yes, for those without the psychological capacity to interpret sarcasm, I am using this term ironically) is a mating behavior. Men look at women in a sexually aggressive manner in order to communicate that they are interested in the woman.
Women, in fact, have vastly superior peripheral vision to men. So, when you are staring at her, she knows it, and she will respond either positively or negatively (this response is probably unconscious, just as your stare-rape probably is). If she responds positively – which will usually involve glancing in a direction slightly near you but not directly at you with a blankish look on her face, unless she is particularly bold and/or especially interested in which case she will look directly at you and may or may not smile) – and the situation feels serious or important (meaning you feel some type of emotional intensity), it is then your job to escalate the encounter, which is best done by moving towards her and saying something pointless in a provocative way, or giving a normal greeting in a slightly provocative way.
Stare-Rape Need Not be Serious in Intent
Most commonly, stare-rape and a woman’s positive response is simply playful human behavior. You stare-rape, she glances, you smile, both of you get a positive release of chemicals in the brain because your value has been confirmed, and nothing more takes place.
There is nothing weird about this.
Women know there is nothing weird about this, but they complain about it, as they complain about so much normal masculine behavior, as a means of trying to bully men into manning-up and acting like men again. That is the main purpose of all feminism – an attempt to push men into reasserting their role as aggressive rulers of society, and dominators of women.
If a woman responds with outrage to your flirtatious stare-rape, by looking directly at you with feigned outrage, smile widely, wink, and blow her a kiss. If you want to be especially alpha, smirk and throw your hands in the air. She will then either continue to act outraged and walk away – while feeling great about herself because of the chemical rush in her brain which is confirming her as valuable – or she will come at you aggressively, in which case she is demanding that you dominate her.
Either way, at that point, you will have won the interaction. A victory for you personally, and for the male sex as a whole.