Sessions: “American Bullets are Seeking Asylum Inside Honduran Skulls”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2018

The scene rn at the border, which Sessions has described as “righteous.”

That’s not a real Jeff Sessions quote in the headline.

I just thought of it and it seemed really funny to make that a headline.

They are at least doing what they said… sort of. They said they were going to arrest these people, then yesterday they were like “oh, we’ll start processing you for asylum but we don’t have time lol.”

Now they’re at least taking an aggressive stance.

The original Sessions stated policy was that we weren’t going to accept any refugees that had passed through a safe country (Mexico) and not applied for asylum there, or any refugees who had passed through a safe country (Mexico) and applied for asylum and been denied.

But these charges here are unrelated to that. These are people who are entering illegally and being charged. The better part of the caravan is at the border telling the government to process them and now it’s unclear what they’re going to do.


The Department of Justice on Monday filed complaints against 11 individuals believed to be members of the Central American migrant caravan, accusing them of illegally entering the United States.

After a month-long journey by bus, train and on foot, about 100 migrants arrived at the San Ysidro port of entry on the US-Mexico border on Sunday evening, preparing to claim asylum. Twenty to 30 migrants spent Sunday night in front of the turnstiles leading to the US side of the San Ysidro port of entry in Tijuana, Mexico. An organizer of the caravan said they would remain at the immigration processing center until “every last one is admitted into the United States.”

That’s the kind of statement that if you can hear it and not rage, start screaming at the computer “JUST SHOOT ALL OF THESE FUCKING ANIMALS!!!!11” then you are not really an American.

Eight migrants from the caravan were being processed by US officials, the group Pueblo Sin Fronteras and two observers said Monday night.

And that’s what I don’t understand.

Sessions said they wouldn’t be processed.

Why are they being processed?

Is Jeff Sessions a pussy?

“When respect for the rule of law diminishes, so too does our ability to protect our great nation, its borders, and its citizens,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a news release. “The United States will not stand by as our immigration laws are ignored and our nation’s safety is jeopardized.”

Yeah but what I see is you standing by.

You could send Ghost Recon down there and no one would blink an eye.

The liberals are expecting it.

And the normiecons will cheer Assad being attacked, even though he’s our ally in any practical analysis. So they will just cheer any brown people dying.

There is literally zero political capital to be lost by just murdering all of these people trying to invade our country.

Reversing the Machine

The biggest part of the issue here is that all of these institutions other than ICE itself have existed since the Bush years for the purpose of getting people into the United States.

There are multiple huge bureaucracies set up for the purpose of getting these people into the United States, and all the sudden Trump shows up – as just one guy – and is like “okay, you tens of thousands of people are now going to do the exact opposite of what your organizations were designed to do.”

And the people that work in these organizations don’t want to do that, I don’t imagine. They are probably a lot of people who genuinely believe in the mission of Mexicanizing the United States.

So with them beginning to process these people who are saying they are seeking asylum – that isn’t really surprising. Because that’s what they’ve been doing for a decade and a half. And an order that comes down from Washington saying “actually, we’re going to need you to do the opposite of that thing you do” would be complicated to implement for the various rank-and-file workers involved.

The issue I have is that as soon as there were reports that they were beginning to process these “people,” Jeff Sessions wasn’t just like “YO YOU WHAT? GET THESE PEOPLE THE FUCK UP OFF IT, THEY’RE OUT.”

Trump went on Twitter to do that – but nothing he says ever seems to have any influence on anything.

He definitely doesn’t have the ability to make Jeff the Tortoise move his ass and do anything, and this situation is his responsibility.

What Trump does have the ability to do is deploy Ghost Recon in Tijuana and just shoot these people.

He could literally do that, and no single judge could say anything about it. Congress could try to claim it was an act of war, but that would be hard to do if it was just a few targeted assassinations.

I dunno.

That obviously isn’t happening.

Nothing ever fucking happens.

“Following cryptic Trump tweets, footage appears of US Special forces snipers assassinating Honduran families in Tijuana” would be too interesting of a headline for this boring ass reality.

What could theoretically happen in reality is that Trump could fire Sessions.

But in this shit reality, would he replace him with anyone anymore interesting?

All the team members he’s added recently have been scum of the fucking earth neocon shitbags.

Can’t we at least give Erik Prince a try, and see what he does?