Seven Sniveling Little Antifa Faggots Charged for Attacking the KKK Back in February

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2016


The Battle of Anaheim

Before the Battle of Sacramento was the Battle of Anaheim, where three spineless faggots were stabbed at after attacking a KKK rally.

In many ways, Anaheim was a great model for Sacramento and future events – if you hold a peaceful rally, these antifa homos will attack you and you can defend yourselves.

Just as in Sacramento, the antifa of Anaheim attacked a peacefully demonstration and got rampagey with normal people simply trying to exercise their First Amendment rights, then got stabbed-up.


Yo bro what da matter? U got stabbed while u tried to attack someone to shut down their freedom of speech?


Seven people who allegedly beat and stomped white supremacists at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Southern California in February were charged Thursday with assault, battery or resisting police.

The seven could face one to two years in jail if convicted of all misdemeanor charges.

They were arrested after around 50 counter-demonstrators confronted a handful of KKK members who had arrived to hold a “White Lives Matter” rally at Pearson Park in Anaheim on Feb. 28, according to prosecutors.

The counter-demonstration turned violent, and the white supremacists were kicked and punched in the head.

Police said Klansmen armed with knives and the point of a flagpole stabbed three counter-protesters. Five KKK members arrested after the brawl were released because an initial investigation showed they acted in self-defense, police said.

It’s the best thing ever when leftists get stabbed and the state rules the stabber did nothing wrong.

It makes me feel like this:


“Comfy,” they call that feeling.

The melee spanned a city block about 3 miles from Disneyland.

Police still were searching for a man who was seen on video kicking a Klansman.

“This case is not about who was holding the protest rally, their racist message, or who was counter protesting. This is about the mob mentality turning violent, which shut down neighboring streets, access to the park, and endangered the community as a whole,” Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said. “Our office does not condone any message of hate, mob violence or vigilante justice.”

Those charged were: Hugo Contreras, 28, of Hawthorne; Randy Felder, 26, of Lakewood; Guy Harris, 20, of Anaheim; Mark Liddell, 26, of Los Angeles; Armando Ortiz, 22, of Santa Ana; Nicole Schop, 24, of Los Angeles; and Alexis Solis, 23, described as homeless.

Well, at least a couple of them were legitimately defending their own racial interests, rather than cucking for someone else’s racial interests.

I’ve got a lot more respect for non-White anti-Whites than White anti-Whites. Of course, that isn’t saying much, as I have zero respect for White anti-Whites.


Yes. Attacking a political rally for the express purpose of shutting down the freedom of speech and freedom of assembly of an opposition group is “terrorism,” and yes, it is 100% legal to stab you if you are in the process of carrying out an act of terrorism.