Seventh Son is Right

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2016


Following the shut down of The Right Stuff, one of the admins of the site, Seventh Son, posted a series of tweets worthy of note.

This hateful message is insightful.

We have a situation here where we are being bullied. Not just by the state and the media, but by a collective of people who viciously attack anyone who disagrees with the state and media. And they are winning against us, regularly, by getting all our crap shut down.

Of course, in the larger scheme of things, they aren’t winning. We always find a way. But right now, The Daily Stormer could be a lot bigger and a lot better if I had the money to do it, and I simply do not because they’ve shut down all of my payment avenues.

The TRS forum, which thousands of people put blood, sweat and tears into building, is now gone. The database was stolen by the hosting service because some stupid bitch with adopted monkey children whined because people called her mean names.

This cannot continue.

We must take the initiative, and make it known that if you try and destroy us, there will be consequences. Presently, I’m uncertain how this will work, but we can certainly figure it out.

I’m not suggesting physically harming anyone, of course. We just need systems in place to take revenge on these people.

I want to again thank weev for helping out TRS in their time of need. He is a hero, and basically the one guy who is holding this dissident right movement together.