Severed Heads for Voodoo Rituals Intercepted on Way to US

Daily Stormer
June 25, 2014

Matthew ch 7 v 6 ‘Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.’

This is what Blacks do when you introduce them to Christianity. Its not for them and they do not understand it, so they start adding things they do understand to it, like severed human heads.

From NBC News:

A man was in custody Monday on charges of attempting to ship human remains to the U.S. for use in Santeria religious rituals after two “recently exhumed” human skulls were discovered inside teddy bears, Mexican authorities said.

The plush bears were uncovered June 7 in a package being inspected by X-ray at a shipping company near the Mexico City airport, the federal prosecutor’s office said.

Cesar Barrera Galas, a federal prosecutor in Mexico City, briefs reporters Sunday on the arrest of Fidencio Aparicio Ramirez, who can be seen in a photograph on display at right. Two human skulls, in the photo on display on the left, were discovered in teddy bears at a Mexico City shipping company.

Through a phone number on a label, federal prosecutors eventually tracked down Fidencio Aparicio Ramirez, a medicinal herb merchant at Mexico City’s Sonora Market, authorities said.

Ramirez was arrested Sunday and admitted having acquired the skulls, which he said were in demand by U.S. practitioners of Santeria, according to the prosecutor’s office.

Santeria, or Regla de Ocha, is a synthesis of Roman Catholicism and the Yoruba religion first brought to Cuba by West African slaves.

Prosecutors wouldn’t say where in the U.S. the skulls were being shipped. Santeria is most prominently observed in Southern California and South Florida.

Ramirez was charged with crimes against public health in the form of marketing and attempting to export human remains. He was held in a men’s detention facility in northern Mexico City, prosecutors said.

Does this really look like someone who was ever meant to understand the Bible?