Sex Game Gone Wrong: White Woman’s Negro Sex Pal Suffocates Her

Daily Stormer
January 30, 2016


Relaxing for a fun sex game with her Negro sex pal, this American in Austria forgot the first rule of being around Blacks:

Never relax.

Daily Mail:

The family of ‘murdered’ American au pair Lauren Mann, 25, have been left ‘devastated’ by her death in Austria – and are furious at a police leak that it could have been the result of a sex game gone wrong.

Her sister Ashleigh Doutis spoke out after it was revealed the theory was one of the lines being pursued by invesitgators in Vienna after the part-time student was found dead.

The theory had already been met with skepticism by the University of Colorado graduate’s friends in Vienna.

Doutis, 30, who still lives in the family’s home town Grand Junction, Colorado, strongly implied the family also doubt the theory.

‘We are heartbroken to tell you our daughter and sister Lauren Mann has been found dead in her apartment in Vienna, Austria,’ she said.

‘An investigation is in progress. It has been released in Austria to the media and is being sensationalized. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.’

Her mother Shelly Hyde, 63, was still too upset to speak when approached at her upscale home in Grand Junction earlier today.

Vienna police have told media that one theory being pursued is that Lauren, whose half naked body was discovered on Tuesday night, died during ‘a kinky sex game gone wrong’.

Autopsy results released earlier today showed that the 25-year-old language student died from suffocation and was discovered with her face pushed into her mattress.

The alarm was first raised on Monday when she failed to show up to her au pair job at the home of her employers, a husband and wife couple.

While the husband alerted authorities, his wife began a frantic social media search for the 25-year-old.

In a post made on Facebook on Monday, she wrote: ‘Lauren didn’t show up for work today without any notice and her phone is flat.

‘This has never happened before and therefore we are a bit worried. Did anyone hear from her or see her today? … and Lauren, please give us call when you see this. Thank you!’

Friends quickly began voicing their concern about her whereabouts with one, John Dūz Dusenbury, saying she hadn’t been heard from since the previous Tuesday.

Lauren is thought to have been killed at some point over the weekend and was discovered in her Wieden apartment with a sweater over her head.

Along with the sex game gone wrong theory, police hunting a Gambian illegal migrant who was believed to be sharing her studio apartment at the time of her death. His right to stay in Austria had expired.

Meanwhile, friends have paid tribute to the murdered au pair, with many highlighting her love of music, generous personality and kind heart.

Writing on Lauren’s social media pages, Ross Gullo, from Parkside, Illinois, described her as ‘a great friend.’

He added: ‘Always nice with something interesting to say. You were a fantastic musician. Your intelligence and brilliance always amazed me.

‘I will cherish the time we spent together and the memories we had. I’m thankful for knowing you. I will be praying for your family. Take care, friend.’

Another, Peter Pyotr Petrovich Mathys‎, from Boulder, Colorado, added: ‘I’m sorry you had to leave this world so soon.