Sexually Aggressive Black Accused of Murdering 2 White People

June 16, 2014

Arcata High School student Christina Schwarz was pronounced dead at the scene.

A man who was in an Arcata home last May at the time of a double shooting testified in court on Friday about the first frantic moments, describing how he used a towel to apply pressure to Alan “Sunshine” Marcet’s chest as the wounded man was gasping for breath.

“I recall him saying, ‘I’m dying,'” Nicholas “Eeyore” Page testified while being asked to recount the events of May 18, 2013, by Deputy District Attorney Elan Firpo in the fifth week of the double murder trial.

Bodhi Tree is accused of fatally shooting Marcet and Eureka High School senior Christina Schwarz, as well as attempting to murder Rhett August outside a Eureka apartment a few days earlier. He has pleaded not guilty to two charges of murder and one charge of attempted murder. He faces 50 years to life if convicted.

Page said he was startled from his sleep by the sound of a loud gunshot ringing out just after 2 a.m. inside his Arcata home on the 2400 block of Eye Street. While getting dressed, he heard his housemate Emma Lorenc, who also testified on Friday, call out and walk into the living room.

“At first, the voice tone was curiosity and annoyance,” Page said. “It quickly changed to horrified.”

Page testified that he saw Marcet and Schwarz lying on the ground when he entered the living room.

“They both had bloody wounds on their torso,” Page said. “Christina’s eyes were opened and glazed. Her shirt was in disarray, exposing her breasts.”

While Lorenc called 911, Page said he tried to staunch Marcet’s bleeding and prolong his life long enough for medical professionals to arrive.

Alan “Sunshine” Marcet was also shot and killed.

“Christina wasn’t moving at all or showing any signs of life,” Page said. “Sunshine was still breathing, albeit in a labored manner. It seemed focusing my attention on him would be better at the time.”

Page said he saw Marcet, Schwarz and Tree at a small party at the house on May 17, 2013, before he went to bed around 8:30 p.m. That was the last interaction he said he had with anyone before the shootings.

Under cross-examination by co-defense attorney Heidi Holmquist, Page said there were more parties at the house than he could possibly count.

“It was almost every night there were guests,” Page said.

Page said less than 100 people came through the residence during the six to seven months that he lived there, but it was hard to give a specific number.

He said he met Tree for the first time two to four weeks before the shooting. Tree introduced himself as “C Nasty,” Page testified.

“He was pretty quiet most of the time,” Page said. “I chatted with him a few times, but he usually wasn’t very outgoing. He wasn’t sad or angry.”

A lot of people would come and go from the house, and there were people who didn’t like Tree, Page testified.

“He was usually pretty standoffish and rude, and he would usually play music videos that were not in my taste,” Page said. “Mostly, they were really simple and repetitive.”

Firpo also called Lorenc to the stand on Friday.

She testified she was asleep in her room when she was awoken by four gunshots. She said she cracked open her door and called out, “What was that? Are you guys OK?” to her housemates.

Alan Marcet went by the name of ‘Sunshine DayDreamer’.

“Sunshine said, ‘That was gunshots. Call an ambulance. I’m dying,'” Lorenc said.

She testified that everything happened so fast, it was hard to remember what she did first.

Lorenc said she tried to wake up other people in the house, and dialed 911. As she was on the phone, she said, she turned on the light and saw Marcet and Schwarz, who had made a bed on the floor.

Before she described what she did next, Lorenc started to cry, and put her hands over her face.

She paused, took a deep breath, and said, “I touched Christina’s pulse, but she didn’t have a pulse. Sunshine was still gasping for air. He was moaning.”

Tree was not in the house after the shooting, Lorenc said. Arcata police rounded everyone up and took them down to the station for questioning.

Lorenc said she recalls being interviewed by Sgt. Robert Martinez.

“I remember telling him (Tree) had injuries to his face,” she said. “His eye was kind of swollen and blue and purple.”

Bodhi Tree had only been released from prison one month before the slayings.

Earlier in the trial, witnesses testified Tree was beat up for acting in a sexually aggressive manner toward a woman during a party at August’s Eureka apartment a few days prior to both the attempted murder and the double murders.

Lorenc said she didn’t meet Tree until he came to the Eye Street home. On the morning of May 17, 2013, while she was making breakfast, he made unwanted advances toward her, telling her he doesn’t usually like white girls, Lorenc testified.

“I just felt uncomfortable,” she said. “I didn’t say anything back.”

Lorenc testified Tree was wearing a gray “hoodie” and sweatpants the day before the shooting. When law enforcement arrested Tree on May 18, 2013, in Sunny Brae, he was wearing a dark gray sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Lorenc said she first saw the “hoodie” when Tree opened her bedroom door two days before the shooting and put the sweatshirt on the arm of her couch and told her not to touch it. Lorenc, who was pregnant at the time, said she didn’t know who Tree was and almost immediately took the item out to the kitchen counter.

“It was heavy,” she said.

During the preliminary hearing last fall, Lorenc testified the sweatshirt felt “heavy like a gun.”

While being questioned by Holmquist, Lorenc said she didn’t see the shooting happen.

“I just heard it,” she said.

Needless to say, if these creatures were kept segregated from us, the two White people would still be alive now.