Sexy IDF Girls Show Western Traditions in Israel

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 1, 2018

The Jews are not monolithic.

Quite to the contrary – the Jews are in a battle between Zionism (nationalism) and communism (globalism) – just like the great defender of Britain Winston Churchill said in his famous essay “Zionism Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People.”

On the one side, you have globalist Jews like George Soros who are pushing a globalist, leftist agenda.

Then on the other side, you’ve got the nationalistic Jews led by Bibi Netanyahu.

All they want is to defend Israel, a Western, capitalist, democratic nation from the Islamic threat.

Israel defends Western values, such as the right of a woman to control her own body – and what a body!

IDF girls are as hot as it gets – and they look even hotter when they’re killing terrorists!

Just check out this great Instagram account that shows off all the hottest babes in the Holy Land.

Meanwhile, I found this on the “hot terrorist girls” Instagram page:

When I take a step back and look at the two in comparison, it’s easy to know who I side with: the HOT ones.

Before I switched to civic nationalism, back when I was a racist, this is one thing that really moved me when Gavin McInnes said it: he said: “Israel Defense Forces chicks are so hot.”

And I was just left thinking: that is a really good point.

I also really think a lot of Gavin McInnes’ videos are so funny.

When I was having one of my regular chats with the Twitter personality Ricky Vaughn, he said “just watch this Gavin McInnes video where he makes fun of leftists, and tell me it’s not the funniest thing you’ve ever seen.”

Who would have thought two years ago when I was in a feud with Gavin that it would be me that came over to his side?