Sham Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Becomes Latest Scam for Invaders to Get British Citizenship

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2014

Gay ‘marriage’ is being used to get citizenship for invasive species, as the registrars are too embarrassed to question their clients.

Now that registrars are starting to clamp down on sham marriages, a new scam has been created for the savage hordes to make use of: gay marriage.

Officials are so worried that they will be accused of homophobia if they question the faggots, that they are just going ahead with the ceremonies, even when they are suspicious of them.

All the fake bride has to say is “Yeah, I’m gay” and that’s it, no more questions for them and a golden ticket to the welfare system and the NHS.


Criminal gangs are offering illegal immigrants sham same-sex marriages for £10,000 as it is easier to deceive officials at them than heterosexual weddings.

A journalist is filmed meeting her fake lover, who has a Romanian passport proving she is an EU citizen and the reporter can stay in the UK after they marry.

Young women – using EU passports – pose as lesbians to secure British citizenship for their fake ‘brides’, an undercover investigation reveals will reveal tomorrow.

One gang leader ‘Ricardo’ was filmed bragging how easy the scam is because registrars never grill same sex couples, even if they are suspicious.

Mark Rimmer, of registration and nationality services at Brent council, North West London, disagrees and says: “Registrars are not able to pick up on body language.”

A reporter was asked to pose for photos with her ‘bride-to-be’ in London’s Hyde Park, in scenes reminiscent of Hollywood movie ‘Green Card’ when Gerard Depardieu falls for Andie MacDowell as he fakes a relationship to get into America.

Arch Marxist, the White-hating, pro-immigration, ultra-lefty Matthew Wright has been investigating this issue, so dont expect him to be against the criminal invaders. I am surprised he even agreed to make the program. He must be low on funds or something.

The undercover reporter was asked to use another bride for her ceremony because the first fake fiancee was too busy with another sham marriage.

In BBC’s Inside Out London, reporter “Ruby” from Mumbai wants to become a British citizen. Gang members demand £10,000 to arrange it.

Ricardo tells Ruby: “It’s very simple. You say, yeah, I’m gay. No more questions for you, then finished.”

Mr Rimmer admitted registrars are often too embarrassed to question same sex couples, even if they suspect them of being involved in fake ceremonies.

He said: “Many are concerned that they may say the wrong thing and end up red faced.

“I think it’s fair to say that registrars are very well experienced in looking for the signs where opposite sex couples are concerned.

“But it is much more difficult to spot the signs if you have a same sex couple whether it be male or female.”

Government figures suggest 10,000 sham marriages take place each year but there are no figures for those involving same sex couples.

Alison Cathcart, Superintendent Registrar, Westminster Council, admitted the gay fake wedding racket was ‘difficult to detect’.

James Brokenshire, Minister for Immigration and Security, promised immigration officials would investigate the Romanian gang.

Race-mixing homosexuals are being promoted everywhere, even in children’s comics.