Sham Marriage Presents Massive Loophole in Britain’s Border Controls

January 29, 2014

Sham weddings are on the increase as experts warn of a ‘golden ticket’ to Britain.

Sham marriages are a “massive loophole” in Britain’s border controls and amount to a “golden ticket” into the country for immigrants, an official report has warned.

John Vine, the Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, highlighted serious failings in the way officials are attempting to combat bogus marriages.

He found evidence it could be a “growing problem”, but intelligence on the true picture was “lagging behind”.

The report said Home Office analysts said the four main non-European nationalities involved in sham marriages were Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Nigerian.

Men made up more than eight out of 10 of the non-European half of the arrangement. They were typically trying to marry someone from the newer eastern European states.

The report described how many of the women arrived in the country only a few days before the ceremony, and were referred to by immigration officials as “awayday brides”.

A significant number of sham marriages may be going undetected because register offices are failing to report suspicious couples to immigration officials, the report added.

“A Home Office senior manager described the obtaining of residency through sham marriage as akin to a ‘golden ticket’,” it said.

“All staff we interviewed … stressed the importance of receiving co-operation from registrars in tackling sham marriage.

“One went so far as to decribe sham marriage as a ‘massive loophole in the immigration rules’.”

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